

Hi i'm a new nooby... is there any FAQ or links to it that i should read

Esp for Spec Ops, such as while shooting your main guns its not guided to the enemy... but the missle is... i Use lock target and even press Y to match enemy's speed... i know i'm doing something wrong... Also what does Ctrl+T do? it says auto target or something and i'm guessing it auto guides something i'm all confused... please Help

Hi there Farcus.

While I'm sure there are some good FAQs linked here on the CIC, I've always trusted for all my Gaming FAQ needs when I'm going through a game a second time.

Originally posted by Farcus
Esp for Spec Ops, such as while shooting your main guns its not guided to the enemy... but the missle is... i Use lock target and even press Y to match enemy's speed... i know i'm doing something wrong... Also what does Ctrl+T do? it says auto target or something and i'm guessing it auto guides something i'm all confused... please Help

Hey, welcome aboard. Most ships in Wing Commander do not have targeting guns. A few do.. and you can toggle between autotargeting and standard firing with CTRL+A, however that's mainly restricted to WC3/4. SO doesn't have any ships with autotargeting guns.
It's n00b13, anyway.

And welcome aboard, Farcus. You can just ask us, or do a search through these forums too.
Ugh, I've heard people in real life pronounce it "noob" from the lame online shortening of the same (though intended to be "noo-b." I hate that stuff. Just go by the WC4 script. Newbie.
I agree. "Newbie" the best form... "n00b" and other such slang really does irritate (mainly because it creates a one-syllable word until you re-parse the sentence to figure out it's "newbie".

(And it's Newbie everywhere else on the 'net... n00b and the like are pretty much "l33t" speak forms... and we needn't get into discussions about how bad *that* is.
Friends, watch history in the making. The internet and text messages are in the process of destroying our beloved English language.

That, and the lack of teaching of spelling and grammar in English classes these days. I'm talking from an Australian point of view, in high schools. It irritates me that at times even I speak terribly, and I'm doing law!


Also Chris seems to be referring to things taken out of context. I'll give another example, relevant in our current political climate. Many anti war protesters use Samuel Johnson's phrase "Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels" do not realise we wasn't referring to lower case 'p' patriots, but the upper case 'P' Patriots which was a name for political party (slang I also believe).

Ahhh well, I'll just sit here and watch society, or at least English, die a slow horrible death. I suppose it started with those damned Americans removing 'u' from colour, honour and other words... :p
No, it didn't start there. It didn't even start with those damned English switching from "thou" to "you" :p. The only thing constant about languages is change.
Text messaging I can understand, since well, it's damn hard to type on those things. But with the advent of thumbboards and such, the only real reason left is the pitiful 160 character limit imposed by most text messaging services.

But the Internet has no real excuse - to use abbreviations like cr8 and other short forms from texting are simply a sign of laziness, since we're sitting at powerful machines with a comfortable keyboard, and tons of typing space.

Of course, I cheer those teachers who mark down students who can't properly distinguish from informal, casual writing where it may be acceptable to use things like BRB and IMHO, and formal writing where it is not (and you shouldn't, anyhow). But yeah, grammar and spelling is rarely taught properly these days... Good thing I'm not a teacher!
Well, just a small piece of info. English is not the only language affected. We have this kind of stuff in Portuguese, and it’s very likely that it’s the same with other languages.
School system

But yeah, grammar and spelling is rarely taught properly these days...

Unfortunately, rarely anything is taught properly here in the states. Things have been regulated to nothing but standardized tests, in which memorization counts more than actual mastery of the material. Kids nowadays are good at doing school, and are not very good at school. Heck, there's even been a study showing that video games promote critical thinking and advanced learning moreso (sp?, even a word?) than regular schooling.
But, since that's just a rant from me, I'll kill it now.

Welcome to our insanity, Farcus, where the fun never ends.
Originally posted by Delance
Well, just a small piece of info. English is not the only language affected. We have this kind of stuff in Portuguese, and it’s very likely that it’s the same with other languages.

Indeed, b4k4^2 anyone? Though, I know the guy who created that word.

Modenr use of leet is just peopel trying to be cool, it is the current "AYB". Nothing more. It is used 'cause it looks and sounds like what it is supposed to be. ANd usually it's just kids with too much time on their hands.