New Music?


212 Squadron - "The Old Man's Eyes And Ears"
I read somewhere theres a command in WC:p like "Moremusic" or something? What is it? Where do I input it?
Personally, I prefer CD3 music, it sounds like Confed finally realises it's becoming a war and not a mop-up. Just my opinion. I like the Cobalt 60 tracks, but it just doesn't fit with the atmosphere of a combat mission. Which was a bit of a downer for me in SO, even though you can fiddle it to play the orchestral music by copying WCP's music.tre.
Does any place have all the music from Prophecy in MP3 format? I'm sure Black Lance does but... I want links!
If anyone wants to try making their own, you can extract the music with HCl's TRE Manager and convert them with his MGI2WAV converter (version 3). Be warned, though, the orchestral tracks will be split into hundreds (literally) of small WAVs.