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Welcome! You should have posted this on the Tech Support section but don´t worry, TC will warp this there soon.

I don´t think that Armada will work in the Windows environment. In Win98, you have to start your computer in the DOS mode (F8)to play Armada.
In WinME (an useless OS, BTW), you must have a boot disk to start your computer in the DOS mode.

To you know how to do that?
Greetings Coldwin.

Armada will not run in a Windows enviroment, as Starkey stated. There was a program from EA that would have allowed Aramda to run in the 95 OS, but EA never released it.

I suggest getting an old 486 system for that game.
Originally posted by Starkey
In Win98, you have to start your computer in the DOS mode (F8) to play Armada.
In WinME, you must have a boot disk to start your computer in the DOS mode.
To clarify: In Win98, press F8 before the splash screen comes up (when the cursur flashes in the top left corner) and select "command line prompt" (or something similar).
For WinME, you need a bootdisk made from Win95/98.

Originally posted by LeHah
There was a program from EA that would have allowed Aramda to run in the 95 OS, but EA never released it.
There was?

Originally posted by LeHah
I suggest getting an old 486 system for that game.
Shouldn't be necessary, I think Armada can be made to work quite easily on Win9x systems. It's Privateer that seems to cause the most grief.
Originally posted by LeHah
Armada will not run in a Windows enviroment, as Starkey stated. There was a program from EA that would have allowed Aramda to run in the 95 OS, but EA never released it.

It wasn't that there was a program that allowed it, it's that there was an entirely different version of Armada.

Originally posted by Wedge009
Shouldn't be necessary, I think Armada can be made to work quite easily on Win9x systems. It's Privateer that seems to cause the most grief.

Eh, why would that be? They have nearly the same issues...
Well... maybe I'm just lucky... but there does seem to be more tech support threads on Privateer than Armada.
That probably has something to do with the relative popularities of the games.
yes i still have not had a chance to play privateer since the guy he sold me his copy had errors on the disks but no matter ive ordered another copy is the game as good as they say it is or is it a rather bore?

I only regret that I have but one life to give confed,,Loozer>>Hells Kitchen, Vega Sector
Privateer is a great game! I just got it working from this tech page and beat it for the first time its worth the wait of 9 years!
heh. I just wanted a game where I could fly against another ship one on one, and have fun blasting them to bits, while seeing what bits are blasted off me.
Originally posted by Loozer
is [Privateer] a bore?
Probably the least boring of all the WCs considering you have the most freedom in what you can do, and the game itself is 'open-ended'.
I've always thought that a full 3D version of Priv would be cool... you could add some neat features.

You could walk around on each planet and space station in full 3D. Explore the tunnels of Achilles station! See what New Detroit looks like from a 20th storey apartment! See what's behind the monolith on the Retros' secret base in Eden! Or even walk into the back of your ships on long trips as a lark, and organize your living quarters/storage space. Hell, steal some supplies for yourself while you're inspecting your own cargo.

I dunno, they seem like neat features to me.

As it stands though, Privateer is an excellent game, and anyone who's not played it is missing out on a truly fine classic.
Originally posted by Saturnyne
See what New Detroit looks like from a 20th storey apartment!
I would think 120th or even 220th storey would give a better view. Those skyscrapers are much taller than those of today. :)
*L* yeah, but I didn't want to be presumptuous and have people go "the skyscrapers don't look like they go that high". :)

It still think it would rock to see New Detroit like that.