Narrative summaries sought


Vice Admiral
This may be a rerun, but let me ask it anyway: Are narrative summaries for any (or all) of the WC games available somewhere?

I'm looking for something shorter than the game guides (excellent job, BTW!!) that concentrates more on the storyline, and tells a continous account on what's happening (including branching plotlines). Maybe the dialogue scripts would be great...

What do I need that for? Reminiscence, mostly - my old 486 died the other day, I don't have KS, and I can't remember the plotlines from WC1-3 that clearly. Not to speak of Privateer and Righteous Fire.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

/CM off.
Okay, throttle down, flaps, full airbrake:
I've just found Wedge's site and the scripts. Oh joy.

But if there's anything else (like somebody having transposed the game action into a fanfic), I'd still be interested...
The Wing Commander I & II Ultimate Strategy Guide by Mike Harrison is written in that style.
Just be warned - SO1 and SO2 are missing from the previously-mentioned guide, though the interviews at the end are interesting, as are the 'between missions' fiction which cover things like Maniac accidentally killing a transport, going crazy, etc.
The wc1/2 guide is really great. If you want another view of the events of SM2 check out Freedom Flight