Mysterious Privateer 2 Videos Discovered (March 24, 2017)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
Here's a little mystery: we've discovered a YouTube account called DigitalVaultThe which contains nothing but three Privateer 2 videos: a trailer and two cutscenes. Here's the kicker: all three videos are much higher quality than previously available Privateer 2 footage! The most likely explanation is that the videos were put up by someone connected to the game's development... but there's no identifying information, and (unfortunately for us) only these scenes were ever posted. But three Privateer 2 videos are better than none, so here they are archived for history:


Original update published on March 24, 2017
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Yeah! The only one with Privateer 2 in the title was the trailer... so no one ever even noticed the other two existed!
The trailer itself is also interesting. Up until I found this one, the only P2 trailer I had seen was the one that came on my Priv gold CD. It had really bad quality copies of the WC4, Priv2 and Kilrathi saga trailers on it. Anyway this trailer is also a cinematic trailer and features no gameplay and doesn't even tell you that it's a game.

Wow, no one picked up on these for 7 years?

I actually did find this a little while ago but comparatively to seven years it might as well have been yesterday.