No, the Confederation and the Border Worlds are not destroyed. In MY WC universe the Kilrathi realized that they had not the ressources to conquer all Confed worlds, so they just annexed some Sytems and established some military bases in every sector, plus they put Confed under huge restrictions concerning the development and production of military goods. Also the Kilrathi wanted the humans as allies against other more terrible enemies (Mantu or other).
Still, the bugs appeared but they were driven back. (Remember the bugs would come anyway, even in Tr'thrak, when the glorious final battle would be fought).
Plus, I made the Kilrathi some ships/ upgraded the old to match the Terran ones (I also upgraded the Nephilim ships).
[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 04-08-2001 at 19:18]