Most Iconic wing commander missions


Rear Admiral
Hey all, I was wondering if you had any missions that were very memorable and just stood the test of time.

For me:
- Gimle 3
- Kurasawa 2 (obviously)
- Bifrost 3
- The gweneviere!
- Novaya Kiev 4-3 (jump and save the hector)
- Ghorah Khar 4-D (Putting an end to Khasra)
- Ayer's Rock 4c-d chain.
- Escorting Hunter Toth. He made me giggle.
- Hunting down Mesnesch
- Stealing Flash's Excallibur.
- Removing the cloak from Peleus.
- First wasp mission
- Twilight purchase

[edit] copy paste issue.
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In WC3, I'd say the first Skipper mission was pretty memorable, a missile defence scenario that was quite scary and tense if you didn't get it right quickly. In 4, one that I remember a lot was the Silenos nebula right after defecting: getting completely unfamiliar fighters fighting in a very different-looking environment while suddenly being forced to fight quite heavier stuff that you were used to before (tackling a Thunderbolt in a Banshee you're barely discovering can be a painful experience).

In Prophecy, either the targeting disk mission, which was short but intense as a setpiece battle, or the Tiamat two-parter which really underlined the power of this thing requiring several waves of combined offensives with various types of fighter groups.
WC4, if that counts, the very first „mission.“ Getting to duel Maniac, then pirates appear, then unknown terrorists destroy the outposty place you need to land at... The first half hour or so of WC4 is just excellent. Later in the game, I‘m not the biggest fan of this whole ‘interactive movie‘ approach but the beginning certainly is a masterpiece.

WCP: Unfortunately not the mission where you and Hawk go help the Kilrathi. Could have been very memorable but the way it was done, it seemed out of place and inconsequential. Didn‘t fit the Prophecy story, I don‘t know how they couldv‘e done this one better. Maybe leave it out altogether would have been better, the whole Kilrathi nostalgia part felt like the simulator missions, not the real deal.
WCP/3 the final missions were also hugely memorable.

4 only the cinematics stuck with me and I honestly don't remember the final missions to WC1/2 (not replayed them nearly so often however as I was late to the party)
Hmm, I think the most iconic ones have already been covered above. To answer your question about the missions that 'stood out' to me the most, well, they're not especially famous missions but...

- WC1: The name of the title immediately evokes the image of the Scimitar cockpit in my mind. When I was very small I sucked at Wing Commander and always ended up on the losing path. I'd say the Hell's Kitchen finale stands out pretty well, but also the early Drayman escort with Paladin where trying to catch Bhurak in the Scimitar seemed impossible.

- WC3: "Escorting the big guns" - The Hyperion capship fight. Of course it's not as famous as the Kilrah run, but it's totally unique in terms of anything we'd seen to that point. We'd had capship combat in WC2 but nothing as detailed or exciting as this. @Dundradal is with me on this one ;)

- Privateer: Delta Prime in a Tarsus. Asteroids, so many asteroids. Cats, so many cats. Death, so many deaths.
- WC3: "Escorting the big guns" - The Hyperion capship fight. Of course it's not as famous as the Kilrah run, but it's totally unique in terms of anything we'd seen to that point. We'd had capship combat in WC2 but nothing as detailed or exciting as this. @Dundradal is with me on this one ;)

Also with you here!

WC3: The Dreadnought, the Sol loosing path.
WC4: Assault on the Ella Starbase without the Flashpack, great "combined arms" feel with capships and fighters.
- The gweneviere!
I assume you meant the (not-) Gwenhyvar - although I suppose that's just the Welsh form of Guinevere anyway (I learned something today). That was memorable for the reversal of fighters and factions - as I recall that ambush was only possible because both sides were not flying their usual craft (memory limitation or something like that).

I could give my own list but the very first one that popped into my head for some reason was Prophecy's 'Painting the Target' mission. The flying in the mission itself wasn't all that remarkable, moving the slug of a Devastator in to tag a transport (why have that as the centre of your fleet formation, really...?) but the after-effects sure were.
I assume you meant the (not-) Gwenhyvar - although I suppose that's just the Welsh form of Guinevere anyway (I learned something today). That was memorable for the reversal of fighters and factions - as I recall that ambush was only possible because both sides were not flying their usual craft (memory limitation or something like that).
Yes. I just find that spelling to be a bit difficult, so I simplified it. ;)
I'll add Missions not on the winning track for additional flavor
- Kurasawa 2. I grew up knowing what "Nintendo Hard" meant, and Wing Commander delivered that sentiment with this mission.
- Rostov 3. I like facing off against Khajja in my Raptor.
- Jotunheim 3 and realizing that the stories of TCS Gwenhyvar are true!
- Charon 1. It's our one chance to get (and keep) the Pewter Planet!
- Niven series in general, since Specialist McGuffin is...well...the McGuffin for the traitor plot, and can theoretically happen any time between the time you leave the TCS Concordia and when you land.
- If the KIS Hha'ifra [sp?] was in WCII, I'd say Gwynedd (Alt) 4, since Thrakhath's presence + the Ralatha you see imply that's where that showdown would occur.
- Ghorah Khar 2-C (Teaching Thrakhath how to eliminate Khasra and his squadron of Gothri.
- Ayer's Rock C&D. Taking them together really fleshes out Jazz' hatred towards Confed and how he regards those working with him are mere pawns.
- The Roman Lynch missions. As much as I equally love the tough girlfriend of Lynn Murphy and the sweetheart girlfriend of Taryn Cross, the banter with Miggs was hilarious, especially when Roman Lynch double-crosses you as you met with "Smythe"!
Priv 2:
- Cinematically speaking, the visit to Jan Mitorr. You know that you hit upon a big lead dealing with your past, but he dies (presumably a heart attack) before he tells you more than Kappa Labs.
- Exterminating Governor Menesch. Man, he loves to talk, and it's time to shut him up!!
- Loki 3. It shows Thrakhath exploiting the Terran spy's info on the TCS Behemoth's weaknesses and resolves the cliffhanger at the game's opening.
- Peleus 1, because you understand the consequences of how you respond to "Buddy, can you Spare a Dime?".
- H'hrass 1. That mission symbolizes the passing of the "Hero's Torch" from Blair to Casey.

I have not played Special Ops, so I'll edit this if I can when we do the playthrough.
Good suggestion on the SO2 Thrakhath mission - that was fun and memorable. Best pilots (or at least among the best) on both sides fighting together... Didn't think it was losing-track specific, though.

Guessing you meant Secret Ops. Its free and episodic nature means I don't recall too much there that was particularly memorable, other than the massive triple-guns of the Plunkett cruiser. I just remember a lot of the missions being routine patrol and escort-the-Ceberus fare. Rescuing the Twilight Purchase and the story bits relating to Humans getting diseases from dead Nephilim ship materials was interesting, but probably not anything that I would describe as 'iconic'.