More fun facts about WC4


Rear Admiral
Because today is my birthday, and I decided to replay WC4 yet again.

-I told y'all some time ago that the Vesuvius scramble mission had you fly a Banshee if you went to Speradon, and a Dragon if you went to Circe. Apparently, that's not entirely true. You fly a Banshee if you won the "leech Bearcats" mission in Speradon - otherwise you fly a Dragon. So you'll always have a Dragon for this mission if you went to Circe, but if you went to Speradon and, say, chose to steal both the Starburst/Coneburst missiles and the Mace instead of stealing the Bearcat-class fighter, you'll fly a Dragon for the Vesuvius scramble mission. No, I don't know why either, but that's just the way it seems to be.

-I told you that the Coneburst missile could destroy any fighter or regular capship (Intrepid, Cruiser, Frigate, Destroyer) in one hit if properly fired. Apparently, the Starburst missile can do it too - it's just harder. Basically, both the Starburst and the Coneburst missiles unleash a massive amount of beams when they detonate, so you've got to make sure as many beams as possible hit your target. The trick to using a Starburst missile is to make sure it blows up slightly to the *side* of the target, *not* in front of the target. For the Coneburst missile, it's exactly the opposite : you must make it blow up in front of target - the missile must be close to the target when it blows up, but be careful not to let the missile crash into the capship (if that happens, the missile will just disappear without exploding). Should a Starburst or Coneburst missile crash into a fighter (not capship), they will blow up, instantly destroying the target.

-Of course, that doesn't mean the Starburst and Coneburst missiles are *that* useful (I find them to be the least powerful reward you can get in Speradon). However, if you want to destroy all three capships in Outrun Ella, then they can be useful. Otherwise, other missiles are generally more useful (and much more reliable).

-If you do not use the "press enter until you want the Starburst/Coneburst/Mace to blow up" feature (i.e., if you just press enter and don't hold the key), then the missile will detonate as soon as the security system "sees" that you are far enough from the missile (so if you turn around immediately after launching the Mace, I believe it will explode sooner).

-I managed to kill Seether without missiles, and I didn't use the "crash" trick either (which involves tricking Seether into ramming your ship). I basically kept dodging Seether's missiles with both decoys and cloaking until he ran out of missiles. Then I used the Fission Cannon (fully charged, of course) every time he charged me, and eventually, his ship blew up. I didn't even take damage! Next time I'll try to kill him with regular guns. I'm not sure if it's possible, but it's worth a try.

-If you choose the "Collect fighters" mission in Speradon, the Black Lance Transport will be guarded by two waves of two Dragons. However, if you choose the "Collect weapons" mission, the Black Lance Transport will be guarded by two waves of one Dragon and one Dragon Ace. Since you fly an Avenger if you choose "Collect weapons", this makes this mission one of the hardest missions in the whole game.
Because today is my birthday, and I decided to replay WC4 yet again.

-I told y'all some time ago that the Vesuvius scramble mission had you fly a Banshee if you went to Speradon, and a Dragon if you went to Circe. Apparently, that's not entirely true. You fly a Banshee if you won the "leech Bearcats" mission in Speradon - otherwise you fly a Dragon. So you'll always have a Dragon for this mission if you went to Circe, but if you went to Speradon and, say, chose to steal both the Starburst/Coneburst missiles and the Mace instead of stealing the Bearcat-class fighter, you'll fly a Dragon for the Vesuvius scramble mission. No, I don't know why either, but that's just the way it seems to be.

No, No, No. I'm sorry, but you are completely wrong here. You fly a Dragon if you chose to fly it in Telamon. If you went for Vindicator, you fly a Banshee. Really, you can check it your self. (last time i played through WCIV I finished it on Friday afternoon, i've flawn in Circe, than refused to fly a Dragon, and got Banshee in Vesuvius Scramble)
Because today is my birthday, and I decided to replay WC4 yet again.

-I managed to kill Seether without missiles, and I didn't use the "crash" trick either (which involves tricking Seether into ramming your ship). I basically kept dodging Seether's missiles with both decoys and cloaking until he ran out of missiles. Then I used the Fission Cannon (fully charged, of course) every time he charged me, and eventually, his ship blew up. I didn't even take damage! Next time I'll try to kill him with regular guns. I'm not sure if it's possible, but it's worth a try.

I'm a little confused.
What mission are you talking about? I assume you're talking about right before you land on Earth.

I had it on Nightmare last week and he still wasn't a problem. He did a pass, got behind me, cloacked... and then I just shot at him while cloaked. Probably the easiest fight against a Dragon in the game. I don't think I'm that good, either (Standoff is kicking my ass!). Try that method, it's pretty easy.
No, No, No. I'm sorry, but you are completely wrong here. You fly a Dragon if you chose to fly it in Telamon. If you went for Vindicator, you fly a Banshee. Really, you can check it your self. (last time i played through WCIV I finished it on Friday afternoon, i've flawn in Circe, than refused to fly a Dragon, and got Banshee in Vesuvius Scramble)

Hmm. Interesting - I did check a lot of things but it's possible that I forgot to check the Telamon choice. We'll see. :)

Gagarin : Well, yes, actually, you used a slightly different version of the strategy I described above. The only way to damage Seether with guns is to shoot him when you're both facing each other (Seether is scripted to dodge hits whenever you're behind him). Sometimes, if you turn around just as he tries to get behind you, he'll get confused and not do anything for a few seconds (this may happen more often if your speed is set to 0). This doesn't *always* happen, though, so you probably got lucky. The reason I posted a way to kill Seether with guns was the fact that few people on this board managed to do this (the missile strategy is used most of the time, apparently).
Well, apparently, you were right about the Vesuvius scramble mission, Mancubus. Thanks - that had been bugging me for ages. :p
As I read "fun facts", I thought something like "and in this scene Mark Hamill broke his leg"...

Because today is my birthday, and I decided to replay WC4 yet again

You need RL-firends... and of course a gal.
Just kidding, nice info ;-)