Mod for XWA

Hey all...
I'm a longtime denizen of the Wing Commander world (you'll find me on the first 2 or 3 trivia games ever hosted on CIC!!!).

I've been working on the following concept:

  • Set in the Post End Run WC Universe
  • Details a raid by a CVE battle group/raiding party
  • Consists of 1 Escort Carrier (TCS Enigma), 1 Heavy Cruiser (TCS Belfast), 4 Destroyers and/or Destroyer Escorts (TCS Raleigh, Reims, Crockett, Rutherford)
  • Involves a raid on a Kilrathi Shipyard launched from the Morpheus System
  • Does NOT use WC models - Uses X-Wing Alliance native craft but playbalanced for WC2 feel (you can die VERY easily if you take head-on passes with enemy fighters/capital ships)
  • Mission types include strike, recon, point defense, and capital ship engagements...some missions include assistance from Insys Security
  • Current storyboarding plans for at least 9 missions to detail the campaign

Let me know what you think...once I get it all written into the mission files and the campaign sequence updated in the list file, I'll be able to consider trying to fit WC models to the game. If anyone wants, I can send you the mission files and the list file and you can try copying it over your campaign/list files to gain immediate access to the missions as they exist now.

Anyways, I'll check back a little later tonight or tomorrow and pop some notes up over time to update you on my progress (I started in November last year and work at it in fits and starts).

Later! :-)
floundericiousMI said:
[*]Involves a raid on a Kilrathi Shipyard launched from the Morpheus System
[*]Does NOT use WC models - Uses X-Wing Alliance native craft but playbalanced for WC2 feel

You raid a Kilrathi shipyard - but theres Star Wars models involved? Why not just make it a XWA add-on because without new models, it doesn't make a lick of sense.
I don't have a good fidelity set of models in the *.opt format needed for the XWA TC...I am NOT a skilled modeler...

I am trying to make a campaign that would recreate, in location and spirit, the raids referred to in the "Fleet Action" novel.

I didn't think I'd need to provide that explanation...sorry oh ruler of the universe
That's understandable, but there are plenty of models over at WC3d which is hosted by the CIC for mod use--with proper credit included of course.
floundericiousMI said:
I didn't think I'd need to provide that explanation...sorry oh ruler of the universe

Don't get snide. You said that it was a WC game but you admited there would be no ship changes, so you most certainly owe any reader of this thread an explanation.
Eh, everyone should do what they can - I actually remember someone doing this for the original X-Wing some years back... there was a mission set where someone had swapped around various ship specifications and given them WC-names to create a little Wing Commander campaign. It was a fun little oddity.
Bandit LOAF said:
there was a mission set where someone had swapped around various ship specifications and given them WC-names to create a little Wing Commander campaign. It was a fun little oddity.

That's about the scope of it... I'm not promising some huge thing, I'm doing it because I've gotten pretty good at coding missions in the Tie-Ed and ALLi-Ed editors over the years and I love WC
I'm all for it -- if you're good at building missions, build missions... maybe someone else who knows how to do ships will see it and make you some -- but I'll give it a whirl either way.
Bandit LOAF said:
Eh, everyone should do what they can - I actually remember someone doing this for the original X-Wing some years back... there was a mission set where someone had swapped around various ship specifications and given them WC-names to create a little Wing Commander campaign. It was a fun little oddity.

I remeber that 2, here is the link of it

you can use the beta ships for you mod

Edit: add the links
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Thanks, all...

Yeah, I got :mad: :mad: :rolleyes: last night

Anyways, right now I'm trying to keep it simple and build the storyboards/coding and link the whole campaign together (maybe even extending it to include egress). Also, I'll have a bit of work to do to link it all up with good briefings to add atmosphere.

I figure I can go back with the basic WCTC ships and augment it (the wealth of ship types native to XWA makes it easier - by far - to structure a scenario), once I've finished the basic package.

my email is my screen name minus the MI at yahoo

feel free to email me and I can send you what I have, if you're interested.
Would there be any interest in seeing the progression of missions?

I've got up to 1-5 and the shipyard raid...that being said, I could always just make the *.lst file and *.tie files available and people can plug/play in their game directory...

At any rate, it'd be just to see if there are some ideas floating around out there for how to couch certain themes or see if it's all too stereotypical...

let's try this

Well...ok, I was trying to post here and keep some stuff under my flak vest...but nah, I'd rather hit you all up for ideas and see what falls out...

The campaign takes place in Epsilon sector. Trace the line from Morpheus -> Epsilon Prime -> Antares -> D'vd Tang -> Asgard -> Jakal -> Bifrost (Shipyard) -> Valgard -> Silenos -> Torgo as the full proposed route.

Here are the missions, as they exist right now.

I'll add, in italics, what is proposed, but not incorporated...please feel free to comment, suggest, etc.

Mission 1: Basic "welcome to your world" mission.

Player is leaving a starbase (right now I'm calling it Caernaven station ~~~) and escorting a supply convoy to his new home. The convoy consists of 3 freighters that are carrying fuel rods, missiles, etc. Soon after entering the area, pirates enter the area and begin attacking both the player (light fighters) and the convoy (light bombers)...there's also a "grabber" group that tries to capture any disabled freighters. The player launches in region 1, the convoy is nearby. The pirates appear, a pair of Insys fighters take off and join in to help you drive them off. You then wait until the convoy jumps to region 2 and you win.

FL - I'm not really satisfied with the quality of this mission. It's TOO basic - players could see it as a waste of time...or maybe it could just feel more complete. I'm thinking of running the whole convoy through region 2 and putting the Enigma in region 3. Perhaps one of the freighters could suffer an engine failure and be attacked by pirates. Perhaps there could be a mutiny onboard a freighter and you have to subdue it long enough for a confed marine shuttle to capture it and then escort both craft to the enigma. Please add some thoughts of ways to add some spice to a very bland bowl of space sim gruel

Mission 2: Listening Post sweep.

After arriving at the Enigma, the convoy goes through its unloading. This mission starts as the convoy is preparing to leave, heading for the Granita jump point. On the far end of the jump line is the battle group that's been assembled to escort the Enigma. They will jump in and join up with the Enigma during the course of the mission. There is an asteroid field near the jump point that contains an old, abandoned Kilrathi Listening Post/Raiding Base. As the player enters, the convoy is heading for the Granita point and a scout fighter is heading into the asteroid field. As the scout fighter sweeps into range of the old base, that base becomes active and a strong Raiding Party of Kilrathi fighters springs into action. In short order there are several fighters and bombers inbound on the Enigma. The Enigma launches all ready fighters (not many) and you have to turn at bay to defend your command ship.

During the fight, the battle group begins to arrive, but they won't be in time to do much if you don't pitch yourself right in front of the incoming strike wave. This one can be hard to survive.

FL - If I equip the kilrathi fighters with missiles, you can die VERY I'd want some help play balancing this one at some point. Also, please let me know what you think about having the Enigma battle group joining just as this attack occurs. I could have the listening post battle happen in another region, but this seemed to be the best way to do it (oh, an abandoned Kilrathi LP...let's send a scout fighter to check it out while the convoy is transiting the jump line).

Mission 3: Hitting the line.

Now we get into the fun stuff. The Enigma has just jumped forward into the Antares system. In order to penetrate Kilrathi space, the Enigma has to punch a hole in the Kilrathi front line forces. In a joint operation with the defensive forces holding Antares, the Enigma's fighter wing launches a strike against a Kilrathi CA operating in the Antares-D'vd Tang jump point region. They are joined by a significant strike force from the Insys front line unit. Fighters, heavy bombers, and an Insys DD join a large group of Enigma craft and strike the CA (escorted by its own fighters and a Kamekh) in region 2.

I'm proposing the following addition: At the same time, to keep the Enigma concealed from Kilrathi reconnaisance, a small strike force will head out to strike a small group of scansats in region 3 guarded by a minefield and Kamekh corvette(s). The battle group will deploy a shuttle with jamming packs to squelch the scansats communications equipment. The player must ensure the success of both objectives. If the scansats are not destroyed within XX minutes, the mission will fail as the Kilrathi will have a definite lock on the Enigma.

Mission 4 (not yet coded): After destroying the CA and scansats, the Enigma BG jumps to D'vd Tang and shapes a course for the Asgard jump point. The Kilrathi, alerted by an automated sensor post, send a recon-in-force RIF mission to assess the strength of the Terran incursion.

The Kilrathi force (1 Destroyer, 1 Kamekh, and a bunch of fighters/bombers) is spotted by sensors and a strike force is detailed to intercept/destroy the Kilrathi ships before they can range on the Enigma. The player launches from Enigma in region 1 and jumps to region 2 with the strike force (1 DE, several fighters and a few bombers). Upon engaging, the Kilrathi launch a secondary recon/strike force to divert around the battle and make for region 1. The secondary force will jump to region 1, hang around shooting at confed ships, and then withdraw when it takes losses. The player must prevent the escape of any Kilrathi ships. Bonus points if the secondary force does not reach Enigma's location.

Mission 5-7 not planned yet... I'd like to have some interesting stuff, like being spotted by a Kilrathi Carrier group and having to abandon a ship with engine failure, be part of it. Feel free to add ideas!!

Mission 8: Shipyard Strike

The Enigma battle group, being pursued by Kilrathi forces, reaches the Kilrathi Shipyard. All fighters (including several from the Belfast) launch and immediately engage. The Shipyard is a complex consisting of a carrier construction complex (with two carriers undergoing refitting), a starfighter production plant, a munitions plant, and a defensive outpost. The Enigma force, including all fighters and all capital ships, engages the complex at close range. The player is in a fighter, assigned to strike the defensive outpost and then fly CAP for the strike. The shipyard itself begins launching fighters, including a detachment of Drakhai elites. During the strike, assault shuttles launch from the Enigma and board the Carriers. The marines aboard raid the ships for intel and then plant antimatter mines, destroying the carriers before leaving. Everything in the region must be destroyed.

proposed: I'm thinking of putting a time requirement on this (you must destroy all four installations and ensure the success of the boarding parties within 10 minutes) to reflect the fact that the group is being pursued by all available Kilrathi forces. let me know what else you think would be a good addition. Typically, this mission is easily survived right now without trying too hard...of course, the idea is that this is a sneak attack on a rear area installation. *shrug* I'm open to ideas.

I'm also considering a mission or two for exfiltrating through the "Jakal -> Silenos" route.

Whew...lots of typing...what do you think? Be honest, be brutal...I want these to be cohesive and complete, no idea will be discarded out of hand!
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