Missions Editor


Hi, somebody can tell me about of the wcppascal last version?
I get error when compile missions, when the compiler build the IFF file this repeat the list properties mission, so for each compilation test I have to change the code on IFF manually :( replacing the FORM PROP, the CHUNK and the var to cstring MAIN. Maybe some last version solve that problem.

The lastest WCPPas version isn't quite stable, I recommend using revision 24c, wich is much more stable. Try it, and if the problem persist post a screenshot or your code or something; we'll try to help you out.

Somebody have written docs about how to add comms to missions?
Can I add pilots and comms?...and SpecialComms?

Video Comms

Thanks Quarto I learned how do it. Now I have a problem.
I have all tools available (I think) to do custom comms and I did some "audio" comms ok. Now I'm testing put custom video to comm. I have installed divX, divx2wve, divx_loader (wcppas too of course). I follow instructions of how play sys movies and I get the WVE and divx file, but video don't run, the curious is that system no crash, simply I view a black screen and I heard the audio, that means the iff's are good (I supouse) but the video is not showed... :( . I think that for some reason the system don't found the divx file (I put divx file on folder divx and wve on folder comms\ to comms and folder movie\ to movies and too I have the iff's on ifcomms\ folder), ah!, too I run the patched secretops exe file (thanks by remove the login, I was tired of login!)

Some Idea to solve the problem?

Again Thanks!
Sorry Quarto, I found the problem!!! :D , Now I discover that when I run divx2wve this store info file into the wve file!!!, I was renamed those files and I renamed the divX file then the system don't found the divx.

Thanks, I'll follow investigate :cool: about compile full campaing looking the help docs.

Somebody can send me info over pilots.iff? :cool: , first I want change ATTR chunk properties and I can't found what's each property...
Also I read on help that each pilot could read many comms and the engine read randomly any, but the engine only read the last comm from the list :confused: (I"m talking about the some comm number)

If I'm not mistaken, the second number is the pilot's number (so, if you put a "3" there, the pilot will use the comm files like 0003xxxx.xa), and the 4 strings (sometimes less than 4) are the names of the language file in \language\pilots\, and of the comm file in comms\ (not sure in which order).

The other numbers seem related to AI behavior, but we don't know anything about them.