Minor glitch with afterburners.


I haven't seen this posted yet. I find that if I burn my afterburners until I'm going full speed, then press the button for strafing and hold it I can maintain my full speed without burning any energy. I also like to turn my ship around and fire at people who are chasing me. It's pretty cool, however, I think it's a bug.
pnutjam said:
I haven't seen this posted yet. I find that if I burn my afterburners until I'm going full speed, then press the button for strafing and hold it I can maintain my full speed without burning any energy. I also like to turn my ship around and fire at people who are chasing me. It's pretty cool, however, I think it's a bug.

In space there is no true gravity other than that imposed/generated by mass. That your ship slows to a stop without thrusters is a function of your thrusters and artificial gravity imposed by your ship. When you hit the tilde or accent au-grave ` button you disconnect that bit of gravity and start a Shelton (sp?) Slide. It's a function or feature of the game. You are now sliding in 0-G and have disconnected the thrust of your engines and effects of gravity real or artificial. You can continue in the direction of travel unimpeded until you release the button.
That sounds very plausible to me, but doesn't make sense given the physics displayed in the game. If I hit afterburners I should speed up and not slow down unless I change my direction or manually slow down. Since you slow down when your afterburners run out of power it would make sense that this is by design and the intended manner for physics to work in the Wing Commander universe.
pnutjam said:
physics ... in the Wing Commander universe.
We didn't make them up :D They are newtonian at heart though, with some convoluted explanations for max speeds and such. Search the CIC forums for "ramscoops".. Newtonian physics certainly have no problem with a ship continuing to move with no power expidenture.
Still don't follow this explanation...

Newtonian physics certainly have no problem with a ship continuing to move with no power expidenture.

Then why do I slow down when my afterburners run out of power? Does my ship automatically fire thrusters to slow down? If so what is the explanation for this?
yes it fires reverse thrusters...

cus that's how WC works :)
we can make it exactly the same by unbinding the ~ (cruise control) key.
pnutjam said:
Then why do I slow down when my afterburners run out of power? Does my ship automatically fire thrusters to slow down? If so what is the explanation for this?
Presumable, when the ABs stop firing, the drag from the ramscoops slows the ship. We can pretend that the ~ key closes the ramscoops or something. Or just unbind it :D