What I did so far was making it look half right, the bases I added were basically models I found around, and are sprinkled around at semi-random... I've been trying to tweak the autogen so that it makes some sense mostly, but it's no replacement for combing thru everything. It was good enough for setting up kilrathi civilian systems and backwater merchant/militia systems without editing WCU manually, but.... hey i'm only one kitty ^^,
ehm, heya ^^;
about adding stuff e.g. turrets on the Orion and Drayman: I just always felt that they should have been there. Drayman w/o turrets makes no sense to play even if you're Donald Trump and can afford an escort every time (I might have gone overboard with six, but I wanted to see a "space galleon battle" besides I was thinking that the Scarab is a Drayman at the time), and I wanted the Orion to have a gimmick that makes it worth buying. Sorry for pulling stuff out of my uhm, tummy, and thanks for the course correction. I'm mostly trying to stay true to (what I know of) the backstory of things and implement stuff that could've been there if there was the processing power for it. Example: The Orion is repeatedly called a gunship and a tank. Tank means it has one or two main guns (plasma guns in the cannon slots for example) and a machine gun which can rotate 360 on the horizontal, so it was either a top or bottom turret, or keep the rear turret and add a front turret. I looked up "gunship" and fouind that lately it means a kind of helicopter. A lot of combat helicopters have swiveling-mount front machineguns that look a lot like a "ball" turret, so that's what I went with. Of course the original Priv Orion wouldn't have a front turret if the turret couldn't be told to fire! Might as well have 4 guns but then it's basically a Centurion, right? The Militia Corvette is made to look like a smaller, older Paradigm because Militia fighters are lighter, older Confed stuff. (I'll replace her with a WC1 Venture corvette as soon as I get my school stuff done) Pirates sometimes have Galaxy ships because you have to face one in Oxford and so maybe other pirates use one of those as a place where Talons can put their loot and go out and get more, and sometimes they have Tarsus ships because who knows, there's kitties like you around too, no?

The mass driver uses ammunition because a mass driver if you go look IS a a projectile weapon and is called such often. Stuff like this... I'm trying to keep the same spirit really ^^; I think that if a detail here and there changes it keeps people interested
and ya, matching ship models with loadout/fighter complement/etc is hard ^^; that's what i have been doing lately mostly...
art wise... I need someone to draw more base screens and I *REALLY* need kilrathi fixers/bartenders. Right now the only reason why you can't dock on Kat planets and bases/ships in WCU is that there's no art for it. Once the autogen stuff is done all that's needed is to manually edit the plot systems (Sol, Kilrah, Vega, Kithrat Mang (Kitekat?) or however it's spelled, Ella...) Thing is, a lot of WC1 and WC2 systems in theory would have no bases and no planets if you followed that... not too fun to fly in I think...
this is really not my baby, i'm just trying to help until someone smart comes along.
btw for people who asked: (randomness happy fun time!)
(1) somewhere in europe originally
(2) i live in the US
(3) i'm bisexual, and I'm definitely not a butch dyke, call me that again and I will run you over with my truck

(4) Spirit definitely IS the WC character I feel I have more in common with, either her or Rachel Coriolis, except I wish I had her looks
(5) I actually kinda suck at WC games, had to finish WC4 on easy
(6) English is not my first language
(7) I speak English, Spanish, Italian and can read some French with some effort
(8) Nikola Tesla, Bruce Campbell, David Lightman from Wargames
(9) Forty-two