Melek's Surrender


Rear Admiral
Not sure how you couldn't vote for that scene. It was so well done. With the music and everything. When Melek bows and looks up at Blair and says the Kilrathi must not die out as a race, that scene always gives me the chills when I watch it. The timing of the music was perfect I thought.
Theres a difference between a well put together scene that is calculated to pull at your emotions, so to speak, and a scene that evokes a real emotional response. I'm not really sure what there is to be emotional about. Yes it is the end of an age old war. But is it seriously more emotional than Blairs anger at thrakath for killing Angel or his anger at paladin for, by not telling him, putting him in a situation where he needed to find out from thrakath.

The only thing from the end of the game is a kind of mournful relief. The war is over... but Angel gave her life in an operation that allowed the temblor bomb to succede.... basically, ending the war killed Angel. The surrender itself would have been of little consolation to Blair. The war was won, But personally he now had nothing (unless you chose flint or rachel but you know it doesn't last)

Personnally I felt the end of wc3 was rather flat, even though on reflection it is probably fittingly so. After all, what was there to be all excited about?
Yeah, Thrakhath's video transmission to Blair might have been a better choice for the poll, but obviously a number of people have chosen the surrender. We wanted to mix in a few secondary references and a few primary plot points.
Angel's death scene is my 1st choice also, but I agree that Melek's surrender is a great scene, and it's emotional for Blair, because he expected to die there, but if you put yourself in Blair's shoes, a hero surely cares more for his "lairmate" ;) than his own life.
Confed said:
Melek's surrender is a great scene, and it's emotional for Blair, because he expected to die there, but if you put yourself in Blair's shoes, a hero surely cares more for his "lairmate" ;) than his own life.

Great scene or not, i didn't really think that the gamemaker would kill off the main character after all that. There wasn't any real sense of dange for me.

Now wc3 aside, I think WC2 has alot more genuine moments of the sort the poll is asking. When I first played it... What! the Tiger's Claw.. Nooo.... And THey blamed me (blair).... Then shadow dies... I What! I have to fly with a Kilrathi! I hate them!!!... Stingray loses a wingman, I save him, and he still blames me. arghh. Spirit dies..... Blair finally kisses Angel...

And I can go on.
I voted for Iceman's moment when he realizes that the Kilrathi hadn't quite taken everything he'd ever had from him. Truly touching.
Maj.Striker said:
I voted for Iceman's moment when he realizes that the Kilrathi hadn't quite taken everything he'd ever had from him. Truly touching.

Haven't played (or rather, finished) SM2 yet so can't tell much about that particular scene.

I voted for Melek's surrender though.
AD said:
Now wc3 aside, I think WC2 has alot more genuine moments of the sort the poll is asking. When I first played it... What! the Tiger's Claw.. Nooo.... And THey blamed me (blair).... Then shadow dies... I What! I have to fly with a Kilrathi! I hate them!!!... Stingray loses a wingman, I save him, and he still blames me. arghh. Spirit dies..... Blair finally kisses Angel...

And I can go on.

I agree. I felt exactly the same way. That's why I voted Spirit's death.
Maj.Striker said:
I voted for Iceman's moment when he realizes that the Kilrathi hadn't quite taken everything he'd ever had from him. Truly touching.

It'd have been more touching if he'd actually been wearing a smile - as it was, I recall the expression was like every other expression he had, IIRC. That kinda robbed the moment of some of its significance... but back then they only had one or two expressions anyways. Pity.
I never imagined Iceman to be capable of external emotional response. That is why they called him the Ice Man after all.

But he reveals a little bit of what he is going through inside to Blair there.
I voted for hobbes defection because of the holo message explanation, that most people never got to see. :(
Dyret said:
I voted for hobbes defection because of the holo message explanation, that most people never got to see. :(

The game was better off without it. I still like to think he defected out of a necessity to save his homeworld.
I think the most emotional moment was the court martial of admiral tolwyn. I always liked him and seeing this grand man going down was sad, also the music at the court martial was excellent.
Fruitcake said:
The game was better off without it. I still like to think he defected out of a necessity to save his homeworld.
Actually, Prince Thrakath calls the plan when they "the message" to Confed "the trigger".
After you see the missing holovid scene, this name makes perfect sence as the message contains the words "Heart of the Tiger", wich is the trigger to restore Hobbes' true personality.
I think it belonged in the game. But then, I'd have also preferred to have Blair's final speech before the run on Kilrah included.
Confed said:
I think it belonged in the game. But then, I'd have also preferred to have Blair's final speech before the run on Kilrah included.

I find it funny that, even though the pr version was that the cd's used for the PC version were smaller and so they had to drop the scenes, that they didn't re-include them for the kilrathi saga version.
I think the most emotional moment was the court martial of admiral tolwyn. I always liked him and seeing this grand man going down was sad, also the music at the court martial was excellent.

You know, I think this was a really well done concept. I never really knew what to make of Tolwyn all throughout the series - at one point I hated his guts and then later I had a sort of respect for him. His treason was... intersting. I felt both a sense of utter disgust at his actions and also a bit of sadness that the war had "transformed" him into such a person.
Fruitcake said:
The game was better off without it. I still like to think he defected out of a necessity to save his homeworld.

Having Hobbes betray Confed to save Kilrah would be a much better explanation than the brainwashed Kilrathi agent story, I'm glad it was left out of the game. Out of curiosity, how does it go in the novel?
McGruff said:
Having Hobbes betray Confed to save Kilrah would be a much better explanation than the brainwashed Kilrathi agent story, I'm glad it was left out of the game. Out of curiosity, how does it go in the novel?

The novel follows the 'brainwashed Kilrathi agent' story, and follows the losing path pretty closely too.