Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I'm new to this forum, but I'm very glad I came here. My name is Paul, I'm 39 years old, and I first encountered the Wing Commander series around 1994, playing WC1 on my Amiga 500. I had the original game back then, I remember it cost a fortune, but what memories! Box, instructions and an edition of "Claw marks", a fictional on-board magazine. Still, after 30 years, I remember the maximum speed of a Hornet, Rapier or Salthi. For me, the greatest charm of this game were the characters and the way the player became friends with them, competed for a place on the chalk board, gossiped in the bar. Excitement before each mission, medals, non-linearity of the plot. Besides, in no other game have I ever had the feeling of being locked in a tight ship, somewhere in outer space, fighting for my life, the feeling that I would come back alive because I had my wingman next to me. I also loved the enemy characters, the brilliant marksman, the cocky Bakhtosh, who was my favorite, and Bhurak, who when I finally shot him, I felt like a real ace. Later, I played WC1 and WC2 again, on my PC. The graphics may seem primitive by today's standards, but this game has something that many modern productions lack - it stimulates the imagination and makes you think about it, even when you don't play it, and anyway - it has been with me for 30 years. Just today, a random thought, watch on YouTube what the interior of Dralthi looks like, I found a video, the Wing Commander CIC channel and that's how I came across this forum, I usually just browse forums, I never register, but I thought that here I would be among the people whose was captivated by the same thing I was, so that's how I ended up here.