Linux users *must* play at medium difficulty


we forgot to include the easy ai files...
we will make a patch available with all AI files for linux users in the near future...but for now you'll have to get good fast ;-)

This is the default for the new installers...leave the difficulty at the default
the other difficulty settings weren't tested unfortunately :-( shame...
Why did you make this fancy install for Linux?

Why did you make this fancy install for Linux? What's wrong with the README file containing instructions for 'unzip this here, copy this there, etc' type of instructions?

I know Windows users like all the fancy install stuff, but (I don't know of other Linux users) prefer sometimes to carry out the steps ourselves.

p.s. I get these warnings while installing:
cp: /etc/timidity.cfg: No such file or directory
loki_setup: Script seems to have failed with error code 1.
loki_setup: 2 Unable to find file 'setup.base.xml' in '/home/asfand/tmp/bittorrent/privateer1.0-install'
loki_setup: 2 Unable to find file '' in '/home/asfand/tmp/bittorrent/privateer1.0-install'
loki_setup: 2 Unable to find file 'vslogo.xpm' in '/home/asfand/tmp/bittorrent/privateer1.0-install'
warnings are fine
to clarify iSteve's point:
you can play on easy difficulty by doing
ln -s ai ai.easy
ln -s ai ai.hard
of course that sort of defeats the purpose of using easy difficulty cus the AI is the only major difference
Look, I didn't mean to sound rude, was just a bit miffed, thats all.

Still, I think I'll play it when you get a patched Linux package ready - I don't want to get a bad impression of the game before I've played it fully.
it's all working--just don't choose easy difficulty--it was all tested on medium

that's why we missed the lack of easy files being included on the release.

if you play at medium difficutly you get the game the developers intended you to get...
you don't need any files--the install errors are "normal" just printouts to the console... most people don't read those
all files there, just need to unpack...


I ran into the same problems with ai.easy/ and ai.hard/ missing and therefore the game resulting in segmentation faults as son as other ships are spawned.

But there's an easy solution, since the files are available in the archive, just not installed:

# sh --noexec --target newdir

now you can find all necessary files in the fresh created directory newdir/. Just copy ai.easy/ and ai.hard/ to your installdir (e.g. /usr/local/games/privater/) and everything should work fine - at least it does for me. Don't forget to delete newdir/ afterwards, since it's quite big (246MB).

Hope this helps other people trying to run the game on Linux without having to wait for the patch.


Easy Fix

Unregistered said:

But there's an easy solution, since the files are available in the archive, just not installed:
# sh --noexec --target newdir
now you can find all necessary files in the fresh created directory newdir/.

Thank you Meiko for pointing at this easy fix for this issue. I will give it y try this evening. :)
