Lego Fighters Raid The News (January 24, 2006)

lego wing commander ships:

2 other models I haven't seen but can easily imagine use the following lego star wars sets (with minimal alterations in some cases).

Lego Star Wars set "Y-wing fighter": aside from the grey color with red highlights it would be easy to convert it to a WC1 Rapier or Raptor. Possibly a Krant or Gratha. Just shorten it a little and use the wing-like pieces from the front fuselages' shortening to up-size the shield-like wing-armors around the aft area.

Lego Star Wars set "A-wing fighter": also grey with red highlights, but easily convertable into an Arrow, Excalibur, or any number of Kilrathi fighters (just split the forward section into 2 halfs something similar to the pod-racer on the back of the box. Add cockpit and tada, you've got a Dralthi 1 or 2, Drakhri, Jalthi, Jalkehi, or Gorthi.)

By combining the two above sets you can easily perfect one or more of the above fighters or even design your own off-color prototype. A Dralthi 3 or Bloodfang would be easy to construct. And the "clone troopers" just need little plastercine ears added to the helmets and they'd almost pass for lego-style kilrathi pilots.

Of course, you could always go nuts and paint the final product with spray-paint (after removing clear pieces first).

Hey, anyone have one of those lego programs that lets you design/build your own 3d lego creations on your computer? Mostly they seem to be based around the lego town or racing sets, but I think it would be cool to be able to use it to create Wing Commander ships (both existing or user-made designs). If you know of one that'll run on a pentium-2 at 500mhz please let me know.