Lack of smilies, or: Overseriousity

criticalmass said:
Oh, good that this has been restored; I was looking for it the other day..

Now I am in a caper: I like ASCII smileys (who remembers the profile ones?), but I despise the graphical (and even more the animated) variant.
I will soon reach a lower state of consciousness to find out the reason for this, and will return when I know more.

Meanwhile, there's a pretty exhaustive collection of ASCII emoticons here:

Wow, according to your link, some of the common ASCII smilies can have a lot of meanings. Reminds me of Latin... There sure are a lot of roses aswell. Seriously, do you use even one quarter of those?
I don't use them much here, but I do like the MSN Messenger emoticons. Especially the one everyone thinks is a guy with his mouth zipped shut. But to me it looks like a guy with a cigar in the corner of his mouth.
I also don't like the word "methinks" which I've only seen online. I don't really know why, except that it makes me think of Jar Jar.

Well, it's hardly Shakespeare.

Oh, wait... ("The lady doth protest too much, methinks.")
Lazy Panda said:
Wow, according to your link, some of the common ASCII smilies can have a lot of meanings. Reminds me of Latin...

That's the fun in languages: Ambiguity, hidden meaning, subtlety - all that which makes irony and sarcasm etc. an art form that needs some effort to "decode". Same with ASCII emoticons - you have to interpret them.

There sure are a lot of roses aswell.
What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet

Seriously, do you use even one quarter of those?
Seriously, no. I try to use one quarter of the ~800,000 common English words, as well as straining to reach a more than 10% usage of the ~650,000 words in standard German.
Why should it be closed? It's not like it's off topic for this forum. You know, since this is the Off-topic zone.
pygmypiranha said:
Yea, but this thread is pointless

If pointlessness was a reason for stopping something on this board, you wouldn't have been able to post to this thread after your initial post.
pygmypiranha said:
Yea, but this thread is pointless
As this post revolves around at least two points and a dash (or something else), we can disprove that theory.

Furthermore, the real point to make is concerned with the basics of communication - the ability to carry meaning through abstract code - and is therefore just as useful as a "WC** taunts stink" thread.

[Caution: definitely contains nuts]
WC taunts don't stink!!! uhm you.....PATHETIC DESCENDANT OF MONKEY!!!!!! But it can be said this thread is useful because it allows everyone to get a grasp of how the other users feel aboot the way we communicate with each other etc etc...
Too serious !??!!?

Lazy Panda said:
Hi again community,

The thread name says it all. So, where comes that nobody uses smilies? Is the forum way too seriouss, or are you simply not paying attention in a quick reply.

:( Redemption for the smilies!

Just browse a couple of fourms guy .

I just come here for the laughs !!

Sometimes I get side tracked by WC / Privateer stuff ,
but I always find some reason to smile.