Joystick remap with Xpadder


The free, tiny little program Xpadder (900kb)
is amazing, it can remap any input device (Gamepad, Joystick, Mouse..ect..) I use it to remap my old CH Flightstick Pro and assign the afterburner, decoy/flare, missiles selector.. to the Hat Switch so I don't have to hunt for the keyboard letters during battle.

The only problem is the game (ProphecySO) will recognize both the original funtion of the Hat Switch and the assigned keys at the same time!

But you could use that to your advantage.. For example: I assign the Afterburner to the Hat Top, Flare/Decoy to Hat Right. When I release the Flare, I also got Right View! So I would have to hit Hat Top to get back to normal view and at the same time speeding up, thus avoid the incoming enemy missile!

Try it, I think you'll like it, because WC series doesn't give you the option to remap any input device.