Joystick question


HI all,

Is there a way to select which joystick Privateer Ramake reads from? Normally one would say just reassign (via ControlPanel in Win9x) the joystick one wants to use to ID#1, but.... I've got 2 MS Sidewinder gamepads (the orignal kind) hooked up to my joystick port (not USB) and they _insist_ to be the first joysticks... only way is to remove them from the contraol panel, then change my joysyick to Controller #1, then before I turn the machine off to turn that joystick back to #3 and hope that re-adding the sidewinder pads makes win9x bring them back.. ahh.. such a hassle... at any rate any way to force Privateer to use joystick #my choice instead of the first one?

Best Regards
There sure is :)
you'd have to edit vegastrike.config
and change which joystick number is bound to player 0
it's somewhat self explanatory...
basically vegastrike.config holds a bunch of joystick and keybindings
just search for bind and look for joystick="0"
and change that to joystick="2" or whatever :)
good luck
let us know if it's hard