Internet Connection

What Internet Connection do you have?

  • I don´t have, i go to the Cybercafe

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • Dial-Up (home)

    Votes: 7 17.5%
  • Dial-Up (University,school,friend,work)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ADSL-Cablemodem 128/256 Kb/s (home)

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • ADSL-CableModem 128/256 Kb/s (University,school,friend,work)

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • ADSL-Cablemodem 512 or higher (home)

    Votes: 20 50.0%
  • ADSL-Cablemodem 512 or higher (University,school,friend,work)

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • T1 or better (home)

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • T1 or better (University,school,friend,work)

    Votes: 6 15.0%

  • Total voters
I think people overglorify the T1. Your average cable modem has at least the download bandwidth of a T1 (though much less upload throughput).
I have a connection with 768kbits downstream and 128kbits upstream at home...
in Germany this is called T-DSL instead of ASDL since the provider's name is Telekom and all their offered communications start with T- ...

How fast is T1?

What exactly does "cable modem" mean?
Is the data transfered over the same line that delivers cable TV instead of using the telephone line?
T1 is 1.5mbit/sec either way. A cablemodem uses your TV cable to transmit and receive data.
Originally posted by ChrisReid
I think people overglorify the T1. Your average cable modem has at least the download bandwidth of a T1 (though much less upload throughput).

So in the US you d/l *velocity* with a T1 is almost the same like the Cablemodem?
Here the max Cablemodem *velocity* is 512 kb/s to download and 256 kb/s to upload
Originally posted by Ghost
So in the US you d/l *velocity* with a T1 is almost the same like the Cablemodem?

How fast you can download, if you're on broadband, mostly depends on the server you're getting the file from. But the theoretical capacity of a cable connection is usually in the area of x mbit download, 768 kbit upload. I'm capped at (I believe) 6mbit download, 128kbit upload. You never reach the maximum download speed, unless you try really hard.
Yeah, right now they cap my cable at 1.5 megabit download (T1 speed) and 128 kbit upload. They do offer a service that has about 3 times that bandwidth for about twice the price too.

It's supposed to be "Dialup internet connections are so 1990s."

BBSes are 1980s... or early 1990s if you want to go that way...
Originally posted by ChrisReid
I should probably remove the 128/256 k options..

I bet some crazy people still have ISDN lines...

Originally posted by the guy below me
If people don't know ADSL is also available through phone lines (you must be in a ADSL enabled area)

Of course it's available via phone lines... that's the whole point of ADSL... it gives a broadband solution using the existing telephone infrastructure.