
The exact conversation was (IIRC):

Halcyon: ...and if Maniac gives you any static... have my permission to shoot him to pieces.
Maverick: Should I use missiles, sir, or ship's guns?
Halcyon: Guns, Maverick. Save your missiles for important targets.
Maniac: What?

Although firing your guns at him doesn't actually affect his willingness to take orders.
i seem to remember (from a long time ago) a mission where youmencounter two salthis with Maniac, if he charges off to engage them,(like he does) you are engaged by 4 Granthas.
IIRC He roars off with the line
"Off I go, watch my smoke.."
and ignores your orders to "form on me",
the only way i found to get him to form on your wing, (thus avoiding the Grantha confrontation) is to hit him once or twice with your lasers
Must have imagined it, its a long time since i played that particular mission, i'll try it next weekend and find out, (at Uni at the mo), I found out about Maniac and the transport last weekend as I was home (It was a HS missile).

Sometimes Maniac is so frustrating you just want to blow the the seven kinds of hell out of him anyway
Actually, I think it was a Pilum... (Spirit calls it 'heat-seeking', but the conversation about it in the WC1/2 book specifically calls it a Pilum.)
OK, someone has dropped the ball there, which one is right? the book or the game?

(thinking about it, the Pilum FoF would most probably be correct as HS missiles become Dumbshot when they loose lock)
thats from the game, but it was Spirit saying that a HS "went right into its [The Drayman] Tailpipe" thus crippling its engines, but the book says it was a Pilum, i was wondering which was right, a Pilum would make more sense so maybe Spirit got the missile type wrong?
a Pilum wouldn't have any special reason to go into the tail pipe, though.

Although I suppose the 'tail pipe' bit could just be hyperbole on her part.

Of course, if that's the book I'm thinking it is, it isn't exactly authoritative on some other subjects, such as the main character's name and callsign (not Blair, and not Maverick), or what Maniac is up to (he's in the psych ward following SO1).

The continuity control between that book and what came after was somewhat lacking (just as well, though - Blair sounds better than the last name they had in the guide).
Tis somebody else.

The point I keep wanting to make but getting tired and lying back in my uncomfortable work chair instead is that 'heat seeker' isn't missile-specific... Pilum is <G>