How to deal with ridiculous odds?

Azagatoth said:
no, if have not started rf yet but thanks for those indirect answers...

i am still wrestling with those 10 demons.
after 11 clear wins for the hunters, i had to abort the 12th try because they simply ignored me and raced through the system like crazy. now how can i attack fighters that are much faster than i am, when they just pass by, leaving me time to loose two or three shots (with rare hits)...??

how did you manage this mission lazy panda?

What ship are you using? Engaging a heavy duty combat mission like this without a Centurion or better is usually futile.
i am using a standart centurion with all equitment that can be upgraded without changing anything at 1.0r4.
4 autotracked tachions, 20 imrec, meson turret (but i think this one is quite ineffective)
advanced repair droid and a repair ai (not sure it keeps what it promises. during flight, the damage-percentage indicators of each system does not change. i just see that a system is completely repaired after landing, often a mission later)

"...centurion or better.." sound good !! how can i get something better?
give me a detailed description if you can spare some time, i am new to this.

after the first murphy mission, those 10 centurions were a joke. all sitting ducks compared to the demons. can i get one of these? or are there even better ships?
ok, forget the question.
i am at perry now, after i finished the drone and i have my answers... that means: is there a way to get kilrathi ships?

some impressions so far:

1. in some missions (especially the ones from lynn murphy) it is extremely annoying, when your auto pilot finishes its flight and you are already in the middle of a bunch of trigger happy idi...
so i tried it without auto-pilot... the same thing. suddenly your mission targets appear out of nothing and start shooting at you. isn't there a way to solve this problem differently? maybe they jump in system and head towards their destination or the privateer?

i had to do murphy-1 17 times! and when i finally succeeded, it was a sort of bug, i think. there were kilrathi in system and the hunters were friendly towards me. i shoot at one, this one turns hostile for a few seconds and then he ignores me again. i kill him and the others still ignore me. in the end, when the kilrathis were finished by the hunters i had to face only 3 remaining demons.

for murphy-3 (the one with militia support) i needed 8 tries and i am playing at medium difficulty.
those two missions i used a fully equiped centurion. maybe i am just bad...

2. the drone was way too easy in my opinion. i used a demon and didn't loose a single armor plate.

3. the conversation with the steltek fighter was not very spectacular. just the fast appearing text lines and much slower speech... i think this unique situation deserves something more fitting. maybe the privateer has to talk via commlink with the steltek and has only one option to answer? so there is sort of dialogue with the aliens not only fast reading.

4. the speech after murphy's last mission was incomplete.

5. the ending is a bit short. i like the conversation with the admiral but wasn't there a ceremony in the original? something with this elevator at perry, next to the admiral's office?

that's it so far.

one final thing: please DO NOT take my comment as criticism, see it as a possibility to further improve the remake. you guys are doing a great job here and my expectations were excelled by far.
interesting? is that what the elevator is used for? I never clicked on it after terrell's speech....
then again I didn't see any data I missed in the bases
Lazy Panda said:
Well, after working my way through the Masterson mission series (don't ask me how I did Masterson 3...), I proceeded with the Lynn Murphy missions. After accepting the first one, I got 10 demons at once thrown up against me alone. This was no trouble in the original prrivateer, as the game regulated it so only 3-4 ships or so are actually there, and if one dies a replacement from the "total reserves" arrives, but now I really cannot handle them all. Game version is 1.0, Ship is Centurion with all the needed equipment. Help would be appreciated.

I realize that this is kind of a late reply, but February was a busy month and I had spent much of January playing StarCon2 (remake) and Privateer Remake.

As I recall, I ran into the same bloody problem that you ran into, and I didn't even have plasma onboard because I mistakenly thought that tachyons were better (which they might be if I had my joystick, but I was playing with only the keyboard).

Anyway, what I did was I accepted a bounty against 19 Pirate ships within the same system. Then I flew to that navpoint, changed course to go to wherever the Demons were, and afterburned/autopiloted. I then flew among the two factions, intentionally trying to get them to hit each other, then flew out of the cloud. Some followed; I blew one up and then afterburned back into the cloud.

Repeat until only a few follow you out of the cloud, then blow those up. Then just sit back and wait for the cloud to thin itself out, perhaps helping the weaker side. The idea is to let the enemies blow each other up and then step in to mop up the remnants.

Hope that helps!

Yeah im stuck on that blasted Oxford 3 mission. Has anyone done this with a demon, or will I need to go backt o the drawing board and save to get a powerful centurion??

Additionally I came across an old Drathi ship I could buy, are there any other Kilrathi ships available?
In Pre3 I beat the whole campaign in a Demon. I don't thihnk much in the way of mission difficulty has changed since then, so it is possible. That mission wasn't easy, though.
I got tired of being blown to bits so I changed the weapons.xml file so that all but my weapons did no damage then blew them away. a bit of a cheat I know but 10 demons is a bit much. Also I had several wingmen but they dont help if you get trashed in less than 10sec. I also tried the run and turn tactics mentioned above, no good for me. I didnt try the faction vs. faction though. the *.xml file is not hard to edit, its pretty straight forward just open it in word pad. make sure you make a back up of it so that you can overwrite the edited one with the original one after you are done.
10 demons all at once shouldn't be a problem in the final version, 'cause it won't happen.
the *.xml file is not hard to edit, its pretty straight forward just open it in word pad. make sure you make a back up of it so that you can overwrite the edited one with the original one after you are done.
Sure this is a "solution" to geting passed the mission, but is basically cheating. If you are going to do that, why not go one step further and edit the mission to have a single enemy in a Tarsus? Again, wordpad would suffice.
Counter talons in a demon (killed 47 pirates yesterday-no losses). Counter demons in a drayman/paradigm (demons in the hold helps). Counter drayman/paradigm in a centurion or orion (heavy firepower). Counter centurion/orion in a demon (love that little guy). I have no use for talons...