Hi There!!

The Vampire at full guns wipes ships out in one hit. You cant imagine how easy those kill em all in ten minutes games are when you just wipe them out one after another.
I recall in the SO fiction that the Black Wasp variant had its guns replaced with the Dust Cannons and the Cloudbursts - these are still only short-range weapons, but collectively they're only surpassed by the Vampire's guns.

The only problem I have with the Dust Cannon is that it perhaps fires too fast. Sucks up the juice very quickly.
The Dust has a range of 5000m, that's not so short. And you run dry with 4 Tachyons in a Vampire rather quick too, ;)
I preferred the Black Wasp to the Black Vampire for a lot of things...that machine gun-type firing of the Dust Cannon...the way I just kept blowing the hell out of ships...seriously, I really relished flying both variants of the Wasp. I gives you the opportunity to fly a very, very high-powered ship when you're at an early stage of the game. You get to fly the Wasp, with it's Tachyons and Mass Drivers, while you're usually flying Piranhas and Tigersharks. High power at an early stage of the game...kind of like flying that prototype Rapier in WC, or the prototype Excalibur in WC3.

Nobody gets on your case if you fly the Wasp, though...
Somehow I just don't feel that the dust cannon is up to taking out really heavy ships like the Devil Ray. By the time you heavily damage it, you're out of energy. But that's just how I remember it, I could be wrong.
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
The Dust has a range of 5000m, that's not so short. And you run dry with 4 Tachyons in a Vampire rather quick too, ;)

You run out of targets even faster, especially when you combine the guns of the Vampire wuth that kick-butt missile load.

Best, Raptor
Originally posted by Meson
Improving your shot accuracy will help. :)
Somehow I knew someone would say something like that. :) I don't think accuracy (or alleged lack thereof) is the problem. But again, it's been a while since I've played, so I could be remembering it wrong.