Help with Privateer



Im using Myjemm to run Privateer through windows. Every time I play the game when I cause the game to make a sound effect it keeps playing as if its studdering then after a few seconds the game crashes. What I cant figure out is why its doing this. I was using the same hardware and software before I had to format my hard drive and the game ran perfectly.
I am not familiar with Myjemm ( I use a MSDos bootdisk -no probs) but there are a lot of people out there that do.If you want qualified assistance, you will have to be more specific. i.e. post the following:

Your hardware (especially soundcard)
Your operative system
Your config.sys and autoexec.bat files

Privateer tends to be tricky with soundcard settings. Try running without sound/sfx or neither. This will not "solve" your problem, but might identify it.

Don´t give up - the game is too good!