Hellcat = Piece of Junk

mpanty: Don't see any .com files in my Wing 2 section. Can you send it to me? Also, does it work for WC1?

Thanks a lot :)

email: bsstarkweather@hotmail.com
Originally posted by Hobbie
mpanty: Don't see any .com files in my Wing 2 section. Can you send it to me? Also, does it work for WC1?

Thanks a lot :)

email: bsstarkweather@hotmail.com
It's on its way to you... mission selector for WC2, SO1, and SO2... just type any of those on the command prompt, and it should tell you what commands to ADD to select the mission.

Let me know if works... :)
Well in that case I think you're typing the Commands wrong, 'cause the .com programs I sent you ARE working right?

Try again, follow instructions by the letter, and if you still have problems, I'll send you detailed instructions via e-mail...
AFAIK, there are no mission selector programs for SM1/2, but there is an inbuilt mission selector for WC1 when you use the transfer program.

You need the WC2 selector programs in the same directory as your WC2 *.EXE programs. Hmm, I can't remember, but were there batch files involved as well?
Huh? I always thought Origin just gives you cheats and -k gives you invincibility. Where Alt-Del kills your target, Alt-Ins kills all enemy fighters in the area. (And Alt-O gives you cockpit damage! Pity when the radar goes, though.)
Yeah, the 'Origin' thing can be used to access individual missions.

To load Enyo 1 (in WC1)...
wc Origin s1 m1

To load Goddard 1 (in SM)...
wc Origin s1 m1 z1

To load Firekka 1 (in SM2)...
sm2 Origin s1 m1

To load Gwynedd 1 (in WC2)...
wc2 Origin s1 ma

To load Pembroke 1 (in SO1)...
so1 Origin s1 ma

To load Canwedon 1 (in SO2)...
so2 Origin s1 ma

To go *directly* into the mission, add an 'l' at the end of each code.
Oh, wow. I didn't know that. Not that I need it anyway. :) I take it they didn't do this with the WC2 execs?