Head Museum Open For Visitors (November 25, 2005)

Righto. I must also remember to remind you about checking the 3DO FMV to see if it can identify the Hellcat's designation.

Definately -- there's quite a bit of work that I need to do with WC3 3DO, actually... the world needs pictures of things like the Kilrathi gun platforms.

I have privateer 2's european version box, what was so special about it?

It's different from the American art -- a weird floating eyeball instead of a spaceship and a planet.

I never understood why that picture was there, since it never appears ingame was the original scene was replaced by the demotion tolwyn gave you in his office, as he commented the "ridiculous claims about a kilrathi cloaking device"

Well, the first thing to remember is that the boxes go to print long before the game is finished -- look at the screenshots on the Wing Commander I box... weapons have different names, laser bolts are different colors, Kilrathi pilots have VDU names, etc.

My *guess* would be that Wing Commander II originally featured a 'court room' scene in the introduction which served the same purpose as the 'office' one in the final game... and that it was cut out entirely because that freed up a number of graphic elements. Remember that WC2 was a disk game, so they did everything possible to shave down its size -- if you set the scene in TOlwyn's office you don't need any 'unique' graphics and can 'cut' the background of the reporter, the young Blair face and (probably) a 'court' graphic where Tolwyn would be standing (in fact, this may have been the origin of the 'court' graphics which appear in Jazz' trial in Special Operations 2).

the wing commander 2 demo i have seen included thrakhath flying a bloodfang and talking to the emperor about the destruction of the tiger's claw. is there anything intact about the trial scene except for that one screenshot?

That screenshot is all I've ever seen -- there's nothing in the demo about it.