GOG Galaxy and the wing commander series


Rear Admiral
as most of you know gog is one of the best places to still get the wing commander series and now they are launching gog galaxy as competition for steam, where there will be automatic updates, friends list, and yes achievements. Im pretty sure only newer games will have the achievements first, but how cool would it be if they added it to games like the dig, space quest, and yes wing commander. I know some gamers dont care about achievements, but I would love them, especially bc after wc1 you dont get medals or rank up anymore. I would love to unlock the "teach this punk a lesson" achievement for owning flash in wc3. what are yall's thoughts and here is a video explaining gog galaxy and yes the games still will be DRM free

as most of you know gog is one of the best places to still get the wing commander series and now they are launching gog galaxy as competition for steam, where there will be automatic updates, friends list, and yes achievements. Im pretty sure only newer games will have the achievements first, but how cool would it be if they added it to games like the dig, space quest, and yes wing commander. I know some gamers dont care about achievements, but I would love them, especially bc after wc1 you dont get medals or rank up anymore. I would love to unlock the "teach this punk a lesson" achievement for owning flash in wc3. what are yall's thoughts and here is a video explaining gog galaxy and yes the games still will be DRM free

I would definitely welcome achievements, and it would be cool if they would implement cloud saves as well.
Wing Commander 1 already has achievements. They're called ribbons...
I hate to quote myself but I pointed out that wc1 already had ribbons in the OP. reading is your friend

"but I would love them, especially bc after wc1 you dont get medals or rank up anymore."
I hate to quote myself but I pointed out that wc1 already had ribbons in the OP.
Apologies if that came across as sardonic; that's not the way I meant it. I just think it's neat that the game had the achievements concept long before anyone else had really thought of it.

Note that I'm not talking about medals. I'm talking about the ribbons that appear above the medals. Whereas the medals had an element of randomness to their distribution, the ribbons come only with particular specific accomplishments. There's no ceremony, not even a little pop-up to tell you what you've done, so unless you read through Claw Marks, you'll never have a clue what those ribbons mean. It's a really subtle thing for the game to do.
The ribbons in WC1 really didn't require any great achievement. In fact, they basically came automatically - you had ribbons for flying ships and for mission numbers.

But yeah, WC1 had a great achievement system. As did X-Wing. And the thing that made them great is the thing that modern achievement systems lack - an in-game foundation. Whether it was ribbons or medals, it was your character that received them, not you the player. So, they didn't have any stupid achievements for winning the game flying backwards or only using lasers or some other such idiocy.
Personally, I always have despised the modern achievement system, and always felt it deserved to be mocked and ridiculed from day 1 on the xbox. What's really bad is flashing icons on the bottom of your screen for doing things you had to do in the normal course of the game. I don't need to be patronized thank-you. I can't understand why it appeals to anyone. Yes I understand the base need of people for recognition, but I don't need a dang machine to give it to me. Also who the crap is tearing their hair out for 100 percent with hundreds of little inane goals? If I'm going to do that kind of work, I better be paid, and well.
Would it be theoretically possible to use GoG Galaxy to set up WC: Armada and WC: Prophecy multiplayer sessions?
I would think so, I dont see why not.

Back to the achievements I agree some are lame but there are those games that you can see devs put some serious time and effort into them. Like the orange box which is half life 2, half life ep 1 and 2, portal, and team fortress 2. they had some great achievements that really had you play outside the box if you wanted to get them and I think the achievements added a ton of replayaibilty to the game
What achievements would work with Wing Commander 1 and 2 though?

I guess you could have a kill the maximum number of enemy capships in a single playthrough (this would take some work to figure out with a bunch of jumping between winning and losing paths).

Oh you could have a "Snatch Victory from the Claws of Defeat" achievement by being on the losing path for almost the whole game until the last possible mission before turning it around and kicking the Cats out of Vega.

Now Privateer feels more like a game for achievements.

Killing certain (rather large) numbers of a faction's craft (Pirate - kill 100 merchants, Bounty Hunter - kill 300 Pirates, Cat Skinner - kill 100 Dralthi and/or Gothri). Smuggler - Trade 5000 units of contrabond. Art Dealer - Trade 500 Art.
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What achievements would work with Wing Commander 1 and 2 though?

I guess you could have a kill the maximum number of enemy capships in a single playthrough (this would take some work to figure out with a bunch of jumping between winning and losing paths).

Oh you could have a "Snatch Victory from the Claws of Defeat" achievement by being on the losing path for almost the whole game until the last possible mission before turning it around and kicking the Cats out of Vega.

Now Privateer feels more like a game for achievements.

Killing certain (rather large) numbers of a faction's craft (Pirate - kill 100 merchants, Bounty Hunter - kill 300 Pirates, Cat Skinner - kill 100 Dralthi and/or Gothri). Smuggler - Trade 5000 units of contrabond. Art Dealer - Trade 500 Art.

yes those are some good ones. how about not ever losing a wingman or having them eject from their ships which as we know is hard to do with maniac in wc1 and wc2 lol. of course I would love a teach this punk a lesson achievement for flash, he is my least fav character in any wc game. then having some achievements for the losing and winning paths for the game so more players could see just how much work went into all the wc games. a funny one would be "welcome to the darkside" achievement which would play on mark hamil's star wars fame, get it by going to the militant side with hawk in wc4. there are really endless achievements somebody could think of, how about never fire a missile unless its torpedoes to destroy cap ships that would be fun and challenging. and of course if you dont want to do them you dont have to at all
The achievements shouldn't be simple story choices or based on the player just playing through the game. There should be some challenge to them or serve a purpose of getting players to explore certain aspects of the game they might not see.

PS Yeah the Art Dealer achievement is not really that good since it is a more tedium than challenge to trade it unless you only trade in art and nothing else.
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The achievements shouldn't be simple story choices or based on the player just playing through the game. There should be some challenge to them or serve a purpose of getting players to explore certain aspects of the game they might not see.

PS Yeah the Art Dealer achievement is not really that good since it is a more tedium than challenge to trade it unless you only trade in art and nothing else.
I disagree you be surprised how many players have never seen the losing paths of the game, which have some of the best missions in all the games, losing path achievements might motivate them to see the losing path of the games that the devs put so much work into
That was what I was saying with "There should be some challenge to them or serve a purpose of getting players to explore certain aspects of the game they might not see." :confused:
In my opinion, so-called achievements in a WC game would only make sense if they were implemented originally. By that I mean that the "reward" should be something really valuable, not just some statistic or a certain amount of in-game currency / prestige whatever but something special, therefore it would have to be hard-wired into the game.

When playing Privateer 2 I dreamed-up a silly "challenge" for myself which I named the "Hades fire sacrifice." That would go like this: Hire the biggest freighter (Monolith, 1500 cargo space), fill it completely with the most valuable commodity (Cerulean Gemstones), bring it to Hades local space and there destroy it. That would mean about 200K credits wasted and many hours for filling the freighter because you could only get a few Gemstones at once at any port. IF, now IF something like this were in the game's code as a real "secret" mission, rewarding the player with say a whole new ship or a special gun not obtainable otherwise, it MIGHT be motivating.

Winning te stupid bogus award for landing ten times in a row at the same place and pinning that award to your "wall of lame" doesn't sound rewarding to me.
That was what I was saying with "There should be some challenge to them or serve a purpose of getting players to explore certain aspects of the game they might not see." :confused:
aka story based missions which you said you did not want, its actually easier to see that out come all you have to do is suck, its just gamers usually dont want to suck at a game
In my opinion, so-called achievements in a WC game would only make sense if they were implemented originally. By that I mean that the "reward" should be something really valuable, not just some statistic or a certain amount of in-game currency / prestige whatever but something special, therefore it would have to be hard-wired into the game.

When playing Privateer 2 I dreamed-up a silly "challenge" for myself which I named the "Hades fire sacrifice." That would go like this: Hire the biggest freighter (Monolith, 1500 cargo space), fill it completely with the most valuable commodity (Cerulean Gemstones), bring it to Hades local space and there destroy it. That would mean about 200K credits wasted and many hours for filling the freighter because you could only get a few Gemstones at once at any port. IF, now IF something like this were in the game's code as a real "secret" mission, rewarding the player with say a whole new ship or a special gun not obtainable otherwise, it MIGHT be motivating.

Winning te stupid bogus award for landing ten times in a row at the same place and pinning that award to your "wall of lame" doesn't sound rewarding to me.

I never understood why some gamers hate achievements gog said you can turn them off altogether and its not like you have to do any of them if you dont want to, I guess just something to complain about, but something tells me if they were implemented there would be a fair number of yall hunting all of them down
aka story based missions which you said you did not want, its actually easier to see that out come all you have to do is suck, its just gamers usually dont want to suck at a game

There is a big difference between making a simple choice between a few dialogue options and intentionally failing missions. One is something you do anyway, the other requires going against an in-grained aspect of gaming (ie winning every mission)
There is a big difference between making a simple choice between a few dialogue options and intentionally failing missions. One is something you do anyway, the other requires going against an in-grained aspect of gaming (ie winning every mission)
it depends on what happens with the choice for instance choosing to fight flash is one of the hardest missions in wc3, I even saw loaf fail that misison in the live stream, and he is one of the best wc pilots.