Game Ideas Ranked by the Master (January 5, 2000)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
Snake sends this translation of an article in the latest PC Games. The 'experienced designers' apparently include Chris Roberts.
Designers Evaluate Reader IdeasYou have a great idea for a game, but no one wants to have it? We do!PC Games makes it possible: You know what game plays best, have the concept for a potential hit in the bag and don't know what to do? We submit your idea to an experienced designer, who comments on them personally and evaluates them in PC Games. This is no false modesty: sketch your concept in a letter, and we'll take over. Make certain to send a real concept, complete with sketched levels, characters, a background history and such things. Postcards with things like "a mixture of Half Life and Commander and Conquer" do not meet this requirement.Send the concept and the name of the desired designer to:COMPUTEC MEDIA AG, Redaktion PC Games,Stichwort: Leserideen, Roonstraße21, 90429 Nürnberg

Original update published on January 5, 2000
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