game design



i have the following questions:

1) does the game have a mission tree? or is it a strict linear story?

2) why can't you adjust the grade of difficulty? it seems that it is only playable for veterans?
1. Yes
2. It's made for WC fans enjoying a challenge. You can change difficulty by pressing "Esc", and click options.
Mild spoilers below.

Episode 1 is almost entirely linear... in the end you get a different mission depending on the ship you choose to fly, and a different ending cutscene depending on a choice you make in the cockpit. This choice also affects the inflight dialogue and the cutscenes for most of the rest of the game.

Episode 2 is also almost entirely linear. Near the end there's a different mission you might get depending on your performance. This affects your *entire* episode 3 (all missions, the story, all dialogues, etc).

All subsequent episodes work the same way... Meaning there's basically two different episodes 3, two different episodes 4, and two different episodes 5. The path you will get depends on your performance in each episode.

Then, in episode 5, your performance will affect the ending scenes. Some (all?) endings are shared between the two versions of episode 5, so that there's no such thing as a dead-end losing path.
what means "episodes"? are that the systems in which they operate, are that chapters of the storyline which include operations in several systems or are that just continuations of the storyline which are added sporadically?
Episodes are foremost the packages in which Standoff will be released, just as Secret Ops was. Of course each Episode is supposed to be somewhat a closed chapter. Currently only the prologue of Standoff is available, we are working hard on Episode 2 right now.
is the story planed from the start to the end or is it developed step by step in length of an episode?
The story has been planned out by our professional writing team.

RE: Professional writing team = our brand of swedish helper monkeys.
Except that they're not Swedish, and they're not helpful. They're just... monkeys.

But yeah, we do have the story planned out from start to finish. There are still a few details that haven't been decided for the last two episodes, but we know in general what's going to happen.
what tools do you use to create the missions? or do you just write code?
WCPas which means it is pretty much code (fortunately program code and not machine code).