Forum Changes! Read me before complaining!

Cpl Hades

Mr. Kat
Forum Changes!

Okay, we'll admit it...we broke the forums. After spending what must have been over 4 hours trying to fix things, Kris discovered that we could have fixed it in 15 seconds if we'd known what the vbulletin people had changed.

Anyway, that aside we've run out of time to make things pretty after upgrading to the latest forum software so there are funny colors in places among other things which will look odd. Not to mention the creepy new thread style. We'll fix things up ASAP.

We've made other functional changes too.. attachment thumbnails are now twice the size, and the member list is now enabled. Comments on the new stuff? Something which you'd like to see on the forums (other than illegal stuff)? Let us know!

Eee, we really need to fix these zombie smilies too. :)
The appearance and layout are quite different...I was wondering why this morning when I tried to log on I got the quite odd banned picture.
Really odd... in Mozilla the text goes beyond the left margin of the screen, and the scrollbars won't let me scroll there. :eek:
What version of Mozilla and what's your resolution? It's fine for me in 1.6 and 1024x768.
Seemed like version trouble indeed. I was on 1.4, so I figured I should take the opportunity and update the damn thing already... on 1.6 it looks just fine (800x600, haven't tested anything else).
The off-topic forum now counts towards your postcount, and you only need 50 posts to gain access to attachment posting and private messaging.
Cpl Hades said:
Not to mention the creepy new thread style. We'll fix things up ASAP.
Wow. Creepy style indeed. Hope it's possible to return things to the previous style, it's a bit harder to read stuff now.
Also, next/previous thread links at the tops of thread pages as well as the bottoms

Also, Iceman, the 4 line signature limit includes blank lines. Can you fix that, please?
The deal is, this is vbulletin 3 RC4.. which means it isn't the final version. So we aren't going to spend ages screwing around with things now only to have to put them back when the final version comes out. We'll look at putting the thread style back how it was when we've got the final version.

Same thing with the images..we can't do much about those until the image pack is released which should be the same time as the final version of the board.
Interesting style you got here. It is a bit weird looking. Will be interesting when the final version comes.
Screwing with the templates is what got us into that mess in the first place, so we're just going to leave it as is for now. No one knows when the final version will be out. There's been one alpha, 7 betas, one gamma and now 4 release candidates and there are a few running jokes at The next release (RC5 I think) will have all-new graphics, and depending on the state of the template system we may customize it then.

Off-Topic posts will be counted retro-actively. Everyone's postcount will need to be recounted. I'll set the wheels in motion in a bit. It shouldn't take very long to complete.

Edit: that was fast. Postcounts updated. If this pushed you over the 50 post quota you should already have access to private messaging and attachments. You can contact us at if this is not the case.