Flight Cmdr 1.3 Scripting


Vice Admiral
Flight Commander 1.3 will definitely feature advanced scripting capabilities. Advanced users of Flight Commander 1.3 will be able to write missions with the same complexity and sophistication of most Prophecy missions. I've already implemented the scripting features needed for missions, and have integrated this support into the Flight Commander engine. Now, I'll be writing a short series of interesting mission scripts to exercise and demonstrate how to use the new mission scripting features.

For example, this feature will allow missions with time constraints, as well as cargo inspection runs, and multiple waves of ships launching from carriers. Mission desginers can spawn any number of new ships in the middle of a mission. Also, a more detailed debriefing screen has been implemented, which is fully controllable from scripts.


You can check out the documentation on all the scripting function calls. All of them are already implemented. http://flightcommander.solsector.net/scriptingdocs.html
if this helps the game Homeworld had its source code released sometime ago. Perhaps you can easy your work by seeing what they've done there. Try searching liberatedgames.com, I seem to remember they had a link for it.
Will the player have the ability to say disable ships, and call in support? And with the disabling of a ship, can you have like a refueler come in and take it back to the home ship?
hakatsuru said:
Will the player have the ability to say disable ships, and call in support? And with the disabling of a ship, can you have like a refueler come in and take it back to the home ship?

Sure, you can spawn in new friendly ships in the middle of a mission. While docking isn't in because the ai isn't there yet, you can definitely change a ship's alignment once a certain amount of damage has been done. Then you can have the new friendly ship autopilot back with you.
eddieb said:
Sure, you can spawn in new friendly ships in the middle of a mission. While docking isn't in because the ai isn't there yet, you can definitely change a ship's alignment once a certain amount of damage has been done. Then you can have the new friendly ship autopilot back with you.

That'd be real convenient when you're in a squeeze, and you need some support.
With 1.3, can you have ships only attack certain other ships? Like say you're on an escort mission, can you set it up so that the enemy focuses its attack on the escorted craft?