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The WCSC is looking for files that you, the WC fans, think would be a good asset to the rest of the community. Of couse these files would be different than the CIC's files. If you know of a file that you would like to upload, you can do this here

upload into the programs folder in zip format, also be sure to include a text file explaining what it is you uploaded.
Founder of theWing Commander Space Command

All Men Seek Justice...
But Never Find Peace...
Gee, anyone here even see this post? I figured that Frosty would have some smartass reply to it by now, something about it being pointless or a waste of bandwidth. He'd be wrong, but hey, its FROSTY!

Member of the Blacklance HQ
HTML Assistant: WC Space Command
When I'm in the cockpit, Knight never falls.
Wow, you're an ass. Strike one, Buck-O.

Hats off to the new-age hairstyle made of bones,
Hats off to the use of hats as megaphones...

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