Extra ship


Mr. Standoff
Due to popular demand (from a member of the team ;)), I've decided to include the Wraith in the game as a sim-only ship. There's a bunch of screenshots over at the site, so go check it out.
Eder said:
Due to popular demand (from a member of the team ;)), I've decided to include the Wraith in the game as a sim-only ship.

I know I may have mentioned I wanted to see the Wraith badly, but I didn't think I mentioned it that much... or even more than once. Is this member of the team someone other than me? Is it possibly you? :p
No, it's really you :p
Pierre mentioned how he liked the Kamekh once, and then I went and textured the thing a day or two after that, so I though "hey, let's not disappoint Michael either" ;)

The Wraith looks incredible, man. And that taste from within the cockpit looks very s-m-o-o-t-h. In-flight comms is looking awesome. :D