ETA: Two days (January 15, 2000)

Cpl Hades

Mr. Kat
It's not long now until the WC Movie is available to rent in the UK, so now reviews are starting to appear. Here's one from today's copy of The Sun newspaper:
  • WING COMMANDER (PG):The hit computer game has been turned into a special-effects adventure that is sure to keep children more than happy on a miserable winter's day.It is set in 2564 and Earth is caught in a brutal war with the Kilarthi, a vicious, bloodthirsty alien race.They have captured a computer which they are planning to use to jump behind enemy lines and destroy the planet.Freddie Prinze Jr and Matthew Lillard star as a couple of space pilots who set out to see off the Kilarthi and save the world.Out to rent on monday (Fox Pathe).Rating: 7 out of 10
Tch. "Kilarthi" and "2564." Despite the various little mistakes in the review, it obtained the highest rating this week.

Original update published on January 15, 2000
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