Error when starting Secret Ops



I've got a problem running Secret Ops on my PC.
First, my system details:
Athlon 1000
256 MB Ram
TNT2 Ultra

When I try to start the game (after I installed it), I get an error message (you can see the Win2000-Message here - in german) - on Windows2000 and ME. On ME, it's an illegal operation and on 2000 some errors in the memory.
I've tried the Software- and Direct3D-Mode and don't know what to do now. I even slowed down my CPU (thinking it may be to fast for the game) - same error. :(

I would be very happy if someone can help me!

It's not a speed issue.

Not sure what it is, aside from that some part of the code is trying to access a null pointer, but it's not speed-related.
It's a programming term; not something you need to worry about. Knowing about null pointers tells you exactly nothing about the source of the problem or its solution.
Well, at last I still don't know the solution. :)

But, I've tested Prophecy and with the Patch for Win2K it runs!
