error message when I start UE



Hey i just DLed and installed Wing Commander Unknown Enemy, and every time I start the game, I get a black screen then it jumps back to the windows Desktop with an error message that says GL_d3b_5::createZBuffer attach failed 87

Can anyone help me with this snag?
yup. Just make sure I just uninstalled and then reinstalled both Sec Ops and UE to make sure they're in the same directory. Still same.
Looks like a video card problem, and the only reasonable excuse for a Z-create failure is trying to run a at too high a res (say, 1024 on a 4MB card). Specs/drivers?
Are you trying to run UE on 32-bit D3D mode on a machine with a Radeon card? For some reason the 32-bit patch has been reported to fail with Radeons (i don't have one, so i can't debug it properly, for what it's worth it works fine on my NVidia card). First thing you can try is to select 16-bit D3D mode on the UE launcher. If that solves your problem, you may also want to re-try 32-bit mode after installing this new dll. It may or may not help with the problem, so if you try it feedback would be appreciated.

Good luck!
the system I'm running Sec Ops on has no Hard ware accelerator. Not sure of the Video specs off hand. I'm running it on my lap top cause my other systems are all running win 2k and I don't even want to think about running any kind of games on it. Lemme try resetting the Screen res.
ok I got it working, but I had to reduce my screen res down to 640x480. And just for the record my lap top's video system is a Trident Cyber 9397 PCI