DragonCon sacrifices

No, you don't get banned from the forums simply for speaking against CIC staffers. What gets you banned (and sometimes not even then, depending on the mood of the staffer du jour) is being an asshole.

That state is reserved for forum admins. :D

As for the whole "shouldn't destroy it because someone could use it" thing, following that logic through leads you to the old "starving people in [impovrished country]" routine that your (generic "you") parents used to give to try to guilt-trip you into eating your vegetables. :p That saying, of course, was pure bull[excrement] when your parents used it, and it's even more so when used in discussions about a luxury item such as a game. (No one has ever literally died because they couldn't play a computer game.)

Clarification: BS in terms of not eating vegetables having any connection whatsoever with starvation in other countries, or in the case of this thread destruction of games from one city having any connection whatsoever with lack of a luxury item like a computer game in other places.
What about those who are can't live without a computer game and then commit suicide. :D

Of course that person would have to be really stupid or really crazy.
t.c.cgi said:
You need to get out from under your rock. Everyone I know that lives in Arizona does this constantly. For starts, I know a possee of people that bought a tickle-me-elmo just to strap it to enough explosives to send it into orbit...

If you really have a problem, aside from just wanting to debate about how you're perfect and only satan-worshipers would destroy things, maybe you can send $500+ (hey, you said the games are still worth $45 each) to the people that will be destroying games at D*C to buy the games off them. I'm sure with the extra funds they could find something you think is "constructive entertainment."

I don't know anyone who destroys things for fun. Maybe its an American thing.

Oh, as to the vegitables argument, it does work and the massive waste in the EU is a very delicate political issue. The Milk lakes and grain mountains could be sent to the third world, rather than wasted. The argument doesn't work once the vegies are cokked and ready to eat.
BattleDog said:
I don't know anyone who destroys things for fun. Maybe its an American thing.

I'd ask around, if I were you. Ask everyone you know if they've ever destroyed property for fun/stress relief/just because they were pissed. If you can come back and tell me that EVERYONE you ran into replied they never did such a thing, than I would be forced to declare you and your peoples not-human. :p

My eyes really hurt from going back and for5th over the opinions by both sides my brain is overloaded I have no Idea what to do

I had planned to destroy games in spirt since I won't be at D*C
I make about $750 per month and I bought about ten dollars worth of crapy sci-fi games instead of getting Ice-cream :(
I guess I'm rich scum I should just hang my head in shame

Hey just a thought were the games produced by software companies here in the US because if that's true wouldn't that mean the El-salvidor people were strengthening our economy?

anyway I wish cone to think of it that I bought the ice-cream

aww dammit all :-D

BattleDog said:
Buying something for the exclusive reason of destroying it when someone else could get endless pleasure out of it.

The point is that whatever anyone else could do with it is irrelevant. They're ours. I have hundreds of video games that sit on the shelves doing absolutely nothing that give nobody pleasure and probably never will. If I could use a couple of them to give a dozen of us a good evening, that's a great use of my property. In fact, 75% of the games destroyed at last dragoncon were Joe Garrity's and had been sitting on his shelves collecting dust for as long as ten years (in the case of Star Crusader). These were by no means going to someone else who could get endless pleasure. You're being insanely unrealistic with that "endless pleasure" crap as well. I mean, my plane tickets and hotel fares cost $500. Should I have bought two hundred and fifty copies of Starlancer instead and given them out so two hundred and fifty people could have "endless pleasure?" Of course not.

If it wasn't common knowledge, I also manage a major video game store for a living. When certain games get old, our corporate office decides they're wasting space on the shelves and it would be more cost effective to trash them than have them use up store real estate that could be used for more profitable products. I'm very keen to this process and prompty "rescue" any space sims from the trash for our dragoncon event and to give away at the CIC birthday parties. Further, I go around to our sister stores in the area after an order has been sent to destroy that particular space sim and rescue those copies as well. Far from depriving someone of endless pleasure, I'm literally taking trash and turning it into future enjoyment.

And it should be noted that the CIC staff gives away ten times more games each year than it destroys at dragoncon. Each year I spend at least a couple hundred dollars on various games and related materials to give out at events like the CIC birthday (and I shop around and get great deals to maximize my giving). I bought seven games today for $16, and these will all be reserved to be given away at CIC functions. This is exactly the same thing as destroying them at dragoncon. It's me spending my own money on items for the express purpose of getting rid of them, and hopefully giving a few Wing Commander fans some good times in the process.
That was my Star Crusader, wasn't it? Eagle gave it to me, I think. Or maybe it was Joes, I'm not sure. In which case, I still have a Star Crusader somewhere.