difficult situation


Rear Admiral
Well i need some advice because i just can't decide how to procide with the situation i have gotten myself into. First of A:Got gf. B: got best friend who is girl for like 6 years tells me she has feelings for me.

So what do i do????????? I was thinking of breaking up with Gf but how would i go about doing this?

Anywho any suggestions would be apprecieted.
Well, the first thing you do is ignore Ripper... :)

Without knowing anymore about the situation, I'd say that you had to stay with the girlfriend -- what kind of a guy are you if you break up with her for another girl? (And what kind of best friend lays something like that on you?)
Well, a good friend wouldn't keep it from you - at least she was honest and didn't deny her feelings. Besides, it's kinda hard to keep that in.

We can all give you advice, bring up our past experiances, and tell you what to do, but in the end it doesn't really matter. This is something you need to think about - your opinion is the only one that matters. Think about your relationship with both people, who you can see yourself with the rest of your life, who you care for more, than act based on that. I know it's not easy, but it's a decision that can only be yours to make. Spend some time thinking about it - don't try to decide right away, it could have a big impact. I hope your decision is something that all of you can be happy with, or at least understand. Good luck.
Delta_Strife said:
Well i need some advice because i just can't decide how to procide with the situation i have gotten myself into. First of A:Got gf. B: got best friend who is girl for like 6 years tells me she has feelings for me.

So what do i do?????????...
So lemme get this straight; your best friend has only been a girl for, like, 6 years?..... And now (s)he has "feelings" for you?...

Here's my advice: RUN AWAY QUICKLY!.... Aaaaaaagghhhh!

Eeeeeeeewwwwwww. Ugh!.. :p

Okay, well who do you enjoy being around more: your gf-by the way how long has she been your gf-or your friend that is a girl?

Now you still need to consider how the other will feel with your decision. I hope everything turns out o.k.
Agree with Needaham45. Breaking up with one to be with another isn't a sign of anything if it hasn't happened before. Shows willingness and committment to the one you're going for. If a similar situation happens later and you keep going for the other person THEN you have problems.

That's from experience.
Maybe we should change the name of this thread. Having two girls fighting for you is not exactly what I call "a difficult situation". :D
well i have been going out with my current gf for like 4 months. so its not all that serious. But i have no idea why my friend would tell me this now. becuase i asked her out about 8 months ago but she turned me down but now she likes me what is with that?
Delta_Strife said:
But i have no idea why my friend would tell me this now. becuase i asked her out about 8 months ago but she turned me down but now she likes me what is with that?

Argh! Sounds like your best friend is one of those head-case chicks who's still trying to "find herself." She is what I consider a "MinMei" (if you're a Robotech/Macross fan, you know what that means ;) ). If you asked her out and she rejected you, then- after you're taken- decides she has feelings for you; she's confused and doesn't yet know what she wants.

Because of that, she should be considered fickle and dangerous. That means, simply, STAY WITH YOUR CURRENT GIRLFRIEND. Stay friends with the friend but avoid anything more. Almost guaranteed, she'll dump you within weeks because she "lost those feelings" or "wasn't sure what she was looking for" or realizes she "loves [you] like a brother," or something equally as dumb.
Col.Dom said:
Because of that, she should be considered fickle and dangerous.
Disagree there. She might be fickle and/or dangerous. Or she might simply be confused. It may well be that breaking up with the other girl would be the best thing Delta_Strife ever did. Of course, it might not. That's why you can't beat Needaham's advice - Delta_Strife should think a while about it, and decide himself.
Quarto said:
That's why you can't beat Needaham's advice - Delta_Strife should think a while about it, and decide himself.

Yeah... you're right, there. Nobody understands the full situation better than Delta_Strife. Ultimately, his decision will be the best for him.
It sounds like you don't really care much about your current girlfriend if all it takes for you to break up with her is having someone declare feelings for you. Your friend of 6 years definitely does sound like your common nutcase girl, as others have pointed out, if she first denied your advances and is now asking for them.

In the end if you really aren't in this for the long run and are just putting notches in your belt then go ahead and go for this new girl. She will probably break up with you in a few weeks/months, but another girl may be telling you about their feelings for you before then anyway so you won't have to worry.
It sure is great to be a robot with no emotions... or at least, that's what Wildweasel tells me I am...
TC said:
It sure is great to be a robot with no emotions... or at least, that's what Wildweasel tells me I am...

Friends and family say the same thing to me (tell me I'm a robot with no emotions) :confused:
What's the old saying "Best friends make the best lovers?" Anyway, most of my friends in years past and now have been women. If there is one thing I've learned from those experiences is that if you ever find a woman who you care for, will be straight with you, and knows what she wants, stay with her. If your girlfriend is someone like this, don't screw it up, these kind don't come along very many times in your life. From what you've said, your freind does not seem to be this type. Of course if you click with your friend like you were seperated at birth (okay, bad choice of comparisons but you get the idea), that's something else to think about.
Like was said before, its your call. Don't feel bad for questioning your current relationship, I for one think its a good thing to step back and re-evaluate your position in life from time to time. Just a little word of advice, do not try to juggle. You always tend to drop all the glass balls that you have in the air and have to figure out how to walk out of the room barefooted.

Viper61 said:
... do not try to juggle. You always tend to drop all the glass balls that you have in the air and have to figure out how to walk out of the room barefooted.

Just look at Archie Andrews :(

Personally, my choice would've always been Veronica. Betty was too "home-made American pie" for me. Veronica was sassy :cool:

I also have a thing for brunettes.