Defending Earth (Wing Commander III) *SPOILERS*


I've looked on the forums and have not found anything relating to

defending Earth aka SOL in Wing Commander III.

Was any footage recorded for that? Is there actually an ending where the Kilrathi actually take over Earth?

Thanks. I'm still new here and I'm looking to get DOS copies of Wing Commander III and Wing Commander IV (DVD or CD-ROM). I'll be hopefully meeting Malcolm McDowell this November at HorrorHound Cincinnati.
Yes there is -- it's actually one of the best sets of videos in the game.

No spoilers here, but should you get to that last losing mission... make sure you eject instead of dying! You get more video of what happens to Blair (and even a dialog choice).
Yes there is -- it's actually one of the best sets of videos in the game.

No spoilers here, but should you get to that last losing mission... make sure you eject instead of dying! You get more video of what happens to Blair (and even a dialog choice).

Unless you play the PSX version, in which case you are forced to eject after a few moments of battle :mad:

The first time I saw that ending, it haunted me for days until finally I'm just like, "I have to get it right!"

To this day when I play that game, I still get goose bumps around the missions when
Angel dies
Thanks a lot.

Been awhile since I've played Heart of The Tiger and I saw those scenes in trailers for Wing Commander III.

Really answers some questions that was on my mind.
No spoilers here, but should you get to that last losing mission... make sure you eject instead of dying! You get more video of what happens to Blair (and even a dialog choice).
Damn, I think I've never done that. Got to remember next time I play.