Cual es el password de la primera misión?



Leyendo el preludio no he encontrado el password que hay que poner para empezar la mision1. Alguien me podría decir cual es?por favor, además de donde tengo que buscarlos para las siguientes misiones.gracias.

Alguien que habla castellano!!!!!

Si te refieres al UE no necesitas password para las misiones, solo para leer la ficcion!!!
Los passwords se te dan cuando finalizas la mision.
No hablo Español bien, pero tratará ayudarte. ten paciencia, por favor.

Obtenes el password para las siuiente missión si ganas la misión antes.

As best I can tell, he's asking for the password to Mission 1 as well as where to look to find the passwords for the following missions. Basically, what I said (or tried to say) was "I don't speak Spanish well, but I will try to help you. Please be patient. You get the password to the following mission if you win the mission before," but I could have really accidently said "I like cheese." Either way, I don't have my password list, does someone have the password for the first mission? Are we giving those out?
Needaham45 said:
...Basically, what I said (or tried to say) was "I don't speak Spanish well, but I will try to help you. Please be patient. You get the password to the following mission if you win the mission before," but I could have really accidently said "I like cheese."
No; "cheese" (or, "cheez" for those into pop culture) esta "queso".

No hay la palabra "queso" in su escrito.
Yea, passwords are just for fiction. You get the password to the fiction of the mission you are on in game by completing the mission before it, but you do not need the passwords to access the missions.

And Preacher, I was just making a little joke about how bad my Spanish is (3 years and 3 bad teachers is all I have). Myabe I shouldn't joke anymore.
Ok, because the guy wants the password for the mission, not the fiction.
Or maybe he means mission's fiction....
Perdonad mi ignorancia pero no consigo iniciar el UE,después de leer el preludio en el fiction viewer me pide el password para empezar la primera mision y no se cual es.Alguien me podria decir cual es o la forma en la que tengo que empezar porque no entiendo como me habeis dicho que no se necesita password para empezar las misiones,sino solo para el fiction,cuando a mi si me lo pide?además, si le doy directamente a empezar UE me pone "could not determine what GL DLL to load".
Cómo o qué tengo que hacer para empezar la mision1?gracias.
Although I don't uderstand Spanish (except some words that look like French ones) I think I can see the problem.

Unregistered, have you made sure you installed UE in the exact same folder than Secret Ops ?
Si no hablas ingles es mucho mas dificil recibir ayuda acá.

Usted no necesita el password para empezar las misiones, solamente para ler la fiction, después del preludio.

Su configuración de video está incorrecta. En el setup, "Video Configuration" seleccione "Software" o "Direct3d".

Antes, verifique se UE fue instalado en el mismo directorio que Secret Ops, esto es lo que Pete abajo esta tentando le decir.

Viva el Portuñol!!!
Needaham45 said:
And Preacher, I was just making a little joke about how bad my Spanish is (3 years and 3 bad teachers is all I have). Myabe I shouldn't joke anymore.

Ah, lighten up. I caught yer joke; I was just makin' a little joke of my own in return. No hay problema.
Ah - I see. I didn't know you were joking. I thought you misunderstood me and thought I was serious and I misunderstood you thinking you were being serious, so it was a bunch of misunderstandings - sorry. Not a big deal.