Configuration without setup



I've installed the Remake on a P4 200MHz under Mandrake 10.1.
Since I can't get the setup going (not even with the help of previous threads) I tried to configure the game without the setup.
The problem is that I can change whatever I want in the vegastrike.config, nothing changes.
The reason why I want to change the configuration is that the game runs very slow as soon as there are several other ships or asteroids around.

Thanks for any help
Most of the configuration options that you would change are wrapped in comment tags: <!-- and -->
This is because setup comments out disabled sections, and uncomments enabled ones.
Make sure the config options you're changing are not commented out. And if you uncomment them, make sure you comment the other ones (the ones which were not commented out - there's always a set of options not commented out)

Uff.. tongtwister... (or should I say fingertwister?)
So, if I get it right, I should change stuff between <!-- and -->, ...

Well, I tried to, but I can't see wich options are enabled and which are disabled. For example:

<!-- #win_16
<var name="colordepth" value="16"/>
<var name="zfar" value="80000"/>
<var name="fullscreen" value="false"/>

#end -->
<!-- #win_32
<var name="colordepth" value="32"/>
<var name="zfar" value="600000"/>
<var name="fullscreen" value="false"/>

#end -->
<!-- #full_16
<var name="colordepth" value="16"/>
<var name="zfar" value="80000"/>
<var name="fullscreen" value="true"/>

#end -->
<!-- #full_32 -->
<var name="colordepth" value="32"/>
<var name="zfar" value="600000"/>
<var name="fullscreen" value="true"/>
<!-- #end -->

Which of these settings is now working? For me the structure looks the same for all of them.

Sorry, but I am still a newbie

Notice that hte comment ends in the line that says #full_32:

<!-- #full_32 -->

As opposed to other entries, in which the comment goes on until the end of the section:

<!-- #full_16 There: missing -->
<var name="colordepth" value="16"/>

So, for clearness, the one to edit would be #full_32

NOTE: If you want, you can just comment/uncomment the blocks, so that you enable the set you would use. For instance, if you wanted #full_16, you change

<!-- #flul_32 --> to <!-- #full_32
<!-- #end --> to #end -->

<!-- #full_16 to <!-- #full_16 -->
#end --> to <!-- #end -->

It sounds hard, but it's really easy. I do it all the time. (I don't like setup very much).
Thanks, no I got that. But is vegastrike.config the correct file?
I changed from full 32 to win 32, nothing happend.
So to test I changed the resolution from 1024*768 to 640*480, again nothing.

Maybe it is the wrong file?

Well, there's a vega_server.config, and some other files with similar names. Quite often I miss and edit one of the others instead of vegastrike.config. But vegastrike.config is definitely the one.

Just see that it's the only copy. Perhaps you have many copies, and are editing the wrong one.
it's probably that he's editing the metadata rather than the actual data...

the best thing to do is to rename vegastrike.config to vegastrike.xml and open it in internet explorer--or in mozilla and go to view source
then you'll understand how the config file works--basically there are lots of copies of the same data and the gray/red areas are commented out so the engine ignores them
Thanks a lot!

Took me a wile to find the second (and third) vegastrike.config in /home/usr/.privater100
Now I can configure, cool!

Do you have any hints what to change to get rid of the slow flight simulatio?

Don't bother too much, now it's only a matter of trial and error, shouldn't go wrong.

well look at the things that happen when detail goes down--uncomment those comment blocks

I suggest running at low or even retro detail