

Vice Admiral
Iceblade asked via email

> Hey, what are "all" the comms you are planning on
> having for the game?
With scripting, it's possible for you to play as many comms as you want. I haven't added any new ones, and adding comm playing AI isn't a high priority now.
I'm asking because I am working on voiceovers at the moment and would like to know what you plan on having by engine's completion.
I'd suggest you do the following:

Make a list of all the ones you would like to have.
Cross off the ones already implemented by the engine.
Cross off the ones that can be implemented by you via scripting.
Tell me what's left, and sort it in some priority order.

I'll then tell you if I can implement some of the leftovers in some reasonable amount of time.

I think it would be helpful for you to have a written script first, so that you know all the comms you need for both inflight combat and cutscenes. By script here I mean script as in shakespeare, not script as in programming.
I've got the list--had it a few days ago actually, but I had two tests to prepare for this week.

For the most part, the comms needed areb already in the game, but there are several that could do with a random selection from a small list of possible comms like for taunting and such. I don't plan on having comms for destroyed a component or launched a missile (both scriptable), but I will script one for destroyed an enemy. There are only two new comms that I think might be worthwhile--return to base and of course a special acknowledgement thereof. Well here is the full list:

multiple (3) - Taunt
multiple (3) - Help
multiple (2) - Break and attack
multiple (2) - Yes and no (not really as needed as the other three, though)
new - return to base
new - returning to base
scriptable - destroyed an enemy

A list of all the already implemented pilot comms
old - request status
old - statuses (good, medium, bad)
old - form up
old - break and attack
old - yes, no
old - eject
old - dead
old - taunt
old - attack my target
old - request land
old - help