CIC Polo Shirts Arrive (May 10, 2004)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
We'll have some pictures featuring these later in the week, so now might be a good time to show off the final CIC polo shirts that Jibbo and Filler have helped us make. They're super cool. Wing Commander fans who preordered shirts should have them in their mailbox today or tomorrow. People who'd like to get their hands on the limited remaining stock can send me an email and we can work something out when I get back from Los Angeles next week.

Regular shirts are $20 including shipping. The largest sizes add $2 and overseas shipping adds $5.

Original update published on May 10, 2004
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Wow! Look at those Polos. I'm so glad I preordered mine. Maybe I should buy a second in case they run out of my size!

I don't happen to play polo, but I was wondering if there are still plans in the works for the TCS Eisen T-shirts, and if so, what is the ETA?