CIC Finance to Boost Fund Raising Efforts (April 1, 2004)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Each year the CIC upgrades its servers and provides greater features to help our growing community. This gets increasingly expensive as time goes by. We have tried various projects in the past to generate some income and believe we now have found a new project to successfully sustain our efforts indefinitely. With our new CIC Finance division, Wing Commander fans can send us money and we'll hold on to it for them. Are you a broke Wing Commander fan? We'll let you borrow the money other people sent us. Here's a picture of LOAF and I opening the new store front in Austin.

You can apply for a CIC Credit Card and inquire for further information by filling out this very simple no-obligation form.

Original update published on April 1, 2004
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This one I found most unbelievable. Next year though, don't post that it is that time of year--I might of guessed it if I could remember holidays when they come around.

I also thought this was a free server or something like that. Or that it was at least held up by Origin--even under EA.

Btw, how do you guys fund the site, if at all?
Cpl Hades said:
Of course it's fake. We're not about to post a valid credit card number.

I meant the card looked good, but the Visa logo looked fake - like it was photoshopped in. Come on, you guys can make it more convincing,