Can't get multiple imgmount ISO's to work/can't change CD



Hey everyone, I've been looking through countless sites to try and figure this out. I downloaded RAR files for each CD (1 through 6). I have from my C drive installed as C..wc4...wc4...cd1,cd2,cd3,cd4,cd5,cd6. I do this process:

mount c c:\wc4
imgmount d c:\wc4\cd1.iso -t iso

This works perfectly! I get to play through all of cd1, but then I have to change cd's. I tried doing the multiple ISO entry manner but never works! It keeps saying "image not found". I even tried accessing cd2 by itself like opening cd1 (as I typed above, but instead of putting cd1 I put cd2 and never works). Can someone please tell me how to do the multiple ISO entry in dosbox so I can switch the cd's.

I've tried like sites say as follows:
mount c c:\wc4
imgmount d c:\wc4\cd1.iso c:\wc4\cd2.iso c:\wc4\cd3.iso c:\wc4\cd4.iso c:\wc4\cd5.iso c:\wc4\cd6.iso -t iso

But when i type that in I get "image not found". I don't know what to do.
