bugs and wishlist

The Guy

Greetings all, wasnt sure to make a new post or just post this here, but it would seem that just using missiles to kill a target doesnt count as an actual kill in the game. I had jumped through a gate to be confronted by 3 retros and was using Friend or Foe missiles to take them out. After I had checked my kill count and noticed that it hadn't increased after taking them out with just the missiles. I was wondering if anyone else had experienced this as well.
This Remake is good for me so far. Here are some things I would like to see in other versions:

1. After playing a bit too much Pirates!, I want more role-playing elements. I wish more fractions to privateer from.

Suppose Gemmi Sector is a newly-discovered sector which is remote but the sector doesn't have much strategic value (say no major jump points to core systems) to Confed and Kilrathi, even though the systems within have much potential in terms of resources. There are natives here but are rather primitive or they have space-faring without jump technology (well, it is quite questionable whether they could survive within Kilrathi settlements).

Since Kilrathi and Confed are busilly "talking" to each other at the time of gameplay (the Kats may even be having more fronts than we know of). They don't have that much resources to deal with this new but relative unimportant part of space (one single destoryer fleet may be the most they could afford and held in reserve for possible other sectors) Some how this part of space is open (to both sides), about the same time to "enterpurners". Soon the traffic begins to boom and attract other minor powers/races to join in.

This would expand roleplaying a lot. Let say, I really want to trade with the Kats (slave trade?) or if I am well-attained with Confed military, they would offer special, non-plot, mission for me, say resuring a downed spy within Kilrath/pirate/CoM/whatever space. Furthermore, once I get hold of this piece of information, I could either send it straight to Confed, or sell it to the Higgest Bidder.

Of course, swordplay and dancing (from Priates!) should be omitted here. :D

2. Radar seems a little too "powerful". They tend to reveal almost everything the system has. More often than not, I find myself tracking a hostile 50K+ away rather than those firing at me. I thing sensor should have limited range and improve only over each tier.

3. I was thinking about turret AI issue. Turrets in the old WC2 gave me hard times but now the AI here has a lot of rooms for improvements. ;) I think beef up the AI a bit helps. Also, allow player to hire his/her own gunner would be a plus.

4. I read a lot of discussions about turrets on Drayman. I think 3 would sufficient. Also, limit the weapon type on turrets:neutron turrets would be quite balanced as deterrance to small ships. At the same time, player cannot use the turrets as main offensive weapons agains aother (large) ships.

5. Power management. Player can alter the recharing rate and ship speed on various (combat) situations. It is borrowed from X-wing and WC3 and beyond.

So much for now. Thanks for reading.