blade runner 2049


Rear Admiral
I saw all they hype for the movie and was ready for a let down bc I was one blade runner fan who didnt want the material messed with again. I loved ridley's final cut and I thought the blade runner adventure game westwood studios made was perfect and we should leave well enough alone, and yet im here to tell yall that this movie is easily one of my five favorite movies of all time.

This review will contain some small spoilers but not too many yet yall have been warned.

Ryan Does an excellent job playing K, Once again he shows what a great actor he has become; from early days in remember the titans to drive and the nice guys, he has been wonderful. Harrison Ford is not in the movie a lot but the time he is there he is amazing. I thought he did a pretty good job in the force awakens but steps up his game to pure awesome. The rest of the cast is all really good to awesome. The only one who overcooked his role some was Jared Leto, which should not surprise anyone who saw suicide squad. The director Denis Villeneuve has been great and does not disappoint here either. The movie is long but I for one was sucked into it from the word jump. The thing this movie has over the original is the fact that while the world in the first blade runner was interesting and the setting and design was a masterpiece, the main story was lacking bc dekker was a detective who didnt really detect anything. That has been greatly solved in this movie with K doing some real detective work. The world has been taken ahead 30 yrs and it looks authentic and lived in, much like OT star wars or wing commander or the remake of battlestar galactica.

One of the few problems that I have with this movie is one of the few problems I had with the original I dont buy the romance angle fully. What I mean is I never really bought the dekker and Rachael romance and I dont fully buy the Romance between K and his AI companion (even though this romance is far more believable in this movie than the first one) something still seems a little off however. But that is a very small gripe; I will say this is not an action movie what so ever, the movie runs 2 hrs and 45 minutes but only has three very small action scenes in it. Overall I think this is a pretty perfect film. Give it a 9.8/10 after a couple of more viewings might go up to a 10/10.

blade runner universe has moved up in my Scifi rankings now it goes

4. star wars
3. battle star glactica
2. blade runner
1. wing commander

for those who have never seen the blade runner game here it is, came out in 96 and still works great on modern computers
Ahh I did love Blade Runner the game, it was really created with love and understanding for the source material (unlike the spin-off books).
Looking forward to the Japanese release of the new movie.
Ahh I did love Blade Runner the game, it was really created with love and understanding for the source material (unlike the spin-off books).
Looking forward to the Japanese release of the new movie.
exactly I still own it need to play it again and try for a different ending. there is some wonky glitches and poor coding bc the game is randomized a bit but by god is it fun
I thought the movie was fantastic. Leto's character is definitely the weak link, but I think it only really stands out because
they don't totally resolve his story. It's left open and you don't really know whether his intentions are completely evil, though they play him as a totally messed up person who treats Replicant life as disposable.

One of the few problems that I have with this movie is one of the few problems I had with the original I dont buy the romance angle fully. What I mean is I never really bought the dekker and Rachael romance and I dont fully buy the Romance between K and his AI companion (even though this romance is far more believable in this movie than the first one) something still seems a little off however.

I don't think the point was supposed to be that he was in love with his AI companion. The point is that he feels alone... alone enough to have bought an AI companion. It's not real love when the person is programmed to please you, yet it's as close as he's likely to ever come to having a real woman love him unconditionally. K seems to be looking for his place in the universe. He wants to know how he fits in. He wants love for sure... He wants her to be real because he's looking for a real connection. Outside of her, his day to day routine seems pretty bleak and empty. Also if you knew you were a pretend person, would it matter to you if the person loving you was also a pretend person, just without physical form? It seems important to K to be 'real' , like that somehow gives more value to his life. It also why the very notion that he might actually be *the* child the story centers around becomes so important to him. He really wants to believe his life has some sense of purpose - or as he says in the movie - if the memories are real, then maybe he has a soul.
It's too bad the film seems to be doing poorly at the box office. Literally every single person I know who's seen the new movie has been impressed.
I thought the movie was fantastic. Leto's character is definitely the weak link, but I think it only really stands out because
they don't totally resolve his story. It's left open and you don't really know whether his intentions are completely evil, though they play him as a totally messed up person who treats Replicant life as disposable.

I don't think the point was supposed to be that he was in love with his AI companion. The point is that he feels alone... alone enough to have bought an AI companion. It's not real love when the person is programmed to please you, yet it's as close as he's likely to ever come to having a real woman love him unconditionally. K seems to be looking for his place in the universe. He wants to know how he fits in. He wants love for sure... He wants her to be real because he's looking for a real connection. Outside of her, his day to day routine seems pretty bleak and empty. Also if you knew you were a pretend person, would it matter to you if the person loving you was also a pretend person, just without physical form? It seems important to K to be 'real' , like that somehow gives more value to his life. It also why the very notion that he might actually be *the* child the story centers around becomes so important to him. He really wants to believe his life has some sense of purpose - or as he says in the movie - if the memories are real, then maybe he has a soul.
I disagree bc when she was destroyed he was obviously hurt just like when he saw the hologram of her and he realized all she was is a pleasure model that called everybody joe. The point of her was to make her master feel important, and we learned K told her his memories and she picked up on the fact that he desperately wanted to be special and K bought it hook line and sinker when she kept saying I always knew you were special K.
I agree with everyone else; I heard someone call it a 'more of a tone poem than a movie' and I heartily agree.

It's too bad the film seems to be doing poorly at the box office. Literally every single person I know who's seen the new movie has been impressed.

The original Blade Runner also underperformed... I think the best case scenario is for this one to become the same sort of cult classic. Perhaps one great movie every 35 years is better than a string of poorly-realized sequels. (My biggest worry is that it'll impact financing for Villeneuve's next project, which is supposed to be Dune!!
I agree with everyone else; I heard someone call it a 'more of a tone poem than a movie' and I heartily agree.

The original Blade Runner also underperformed... I think the best case scenario is for this one to become the same sort of cult classic. Perhaps one great movie every 35 years is better than a string of poorly-realized sequels. (My biggest worry is that it'll impact financing for Villeneuve's next project, which is supposed to be Dune!!
I agree but to me this felt more of a continuation than a sequel much like aliens to alien or godfather part 2 to godfather. To me we see so much more of the world in this one than the original, and it greatly adds to the ideas and themes of the original while still bringing a unique voice to make it original. One other small gripe is the music when it works it is awesome, but there are sometimes where it is just too much grinding if that makes sense.
I agree but to me this felt more of a continuation than a sequel much like aliens to alien or godfather part 2 to godfather. To me we see so much more of the world in this one than the original, and it greatly adds to the ideas and themes of the original while still bringing a unique voice to make it original. One other small gripe is the music when it works it is awesome, but there are sometimes where it is just too much grinding if that makes sense.

The first time I watched the movie, I guess I payed too close attention to the visuals as I didn't really notice the music that often. I've since listened to the soundtrack through, and having seen the movie a second time I think it works pretty well. At times the music plays almost environmentally though... The drums beat as if the blades of a helicopter while K's spinner flies. There's industrial sounding noises almost like a revving motorcycles. They're almost painting the scene of the dirty hopeless future by means of the audio landscape. It's contrasted with the very light and more melodic tones when Joi is on screen. Her rain scene (and the prostitute scene) have more in common with the finale than the rest of the score. And in the finale
it echos back to Roy Batty in a kind of thematic tie-in/cameo. The piece that plays is pretty much the same as the one that plays in the first film in the 'tears in the rain" scene
The more I listen to the soundtrack the more I love it.
Go watch. Brilliant. Even better than Arrival. Looking forward to the new Dune by that Director. If he keeps up, he might replace Ridley Scott as my favorite once good old Ridley bites the dust (may he live long and prosper and make more epic history or sci-fi movies).
The first time I watched the movie, I guess I payed too close attention to the visuals as I didn't really notice the music that often. I've since listened to the soundtrack through, and having seen the movie a second time I think it works pretty well. At times the music plays almost environmentally though... The drums beat as if the blades of a helicopter while K's spinner flies. There's industrial sounding noises almost like a revving motorcycles. They're almost painting the scene of the dirty hopeless future by means of the audio landscape. It's contrasted with the very light and more melodic tones when Joi is on screen. Her rain scene (and the prostitute scene) have more in common with the finale than the rest of the score. And in the finale
it echos back to Roy Batty in a kind of thematic tie-in/cameo. The piece that plays is pretty much the same as the one that plays in the first film in the 'tears in the rain" scene
The more I listen to the soundtrack the more I love it.
I saw it in one of those extreme theaters and at certain pts it was ear piercing. Like I said I did enjoy it but greatly prefer the Original soundtrack, but everything else I like more in the sequel. can we give it up to Dave Bautista he is turning into a fine actor; even though he is barely in the movie, his scene is one of my favorites.

Also for those that are interested, there are 3 mini movies about 15 minutes each on youtube made by the directors friends to fill in the time gaps from 2019 o 2049
As a huge BR fan (if I have to name my "one" favourite movie, it's BR) I was expecting to be disappointed. That didn't happen, though! When first leaving the cinema after seeing BR 2049, I wasn't exactly sure about my feeling. But soon enough, I realized that I could support the new one. Very much so, even.

There are a few things about BR 2049 I have some issues with:

-The 'car in the water' action sequence towards the end. It was obvious who of the characters in that scene would survive/win and who would die/disappear ambiguously - so I found it boring and too long. It didn't really work for me.

-While slavery / empowerment of minorities within (US-) society was a major topic in BR as well, the original managed to do it in a more artful, on some levels even subtle way. The way BR 2049 does it, at times it feels to me like a very blatant, not at all timeless but explicit 2017 message about the civil rights situation / "black lifes matter" and all that comes with it. Don't get me wrong, I agree with everything the film says or hints at (at least the way I read it) and it's without doubt a noble cause... it's just that I think it does get a little too much 'in your face' about it, unnecessarily so.

What I like a hell of a lot is what BR 2049 does with its female characters. Some people who claim to be feminists got it all wrong and even went as far as calling the film "sexist" - which is so terribly, terribly wrong. BR 2049's characters (maybe with the exception of Ford's character) are a collection of broken personalities, noone is "whole." If you look at how the Lieutenant, Joy, Rachael and Luv die in such violently fitting ways, and consider the depth of the story as a whole, you've got to be kidding when trying to claim this is done carelessly... the film isn't sexist when treating its female characters as stereotypes - the film is, on the contrary, trying to tell us something with this, making it a topic to think about!