Bhurak Starkiller


I've decided to draw Bhurak since he was one of my favourite named Kilrathi from the series, but it's sort of hard when my only reference is a black and white 8 cm picture. What sort of feline would you say he's most similar to? Did the nar Caxki (That's his clan, isn't it?) have a particular fur colour? And what colour would those older Kilrathi helmets be?
Ya know, it just popped into my head (thank you, useless Star Wars trivia) that Starkiller was supposed to be Luke Skywalker's original name, because it sounded to aggressive.
Ya know, it just popped into my head (thank you, useless Star Wars trivia) that Starkiller was supposed to be Luke Skywalker's original name, because it sounded to aggressive.

Knights of the Old Republic tributes this with a character named Bendak Starkiller. Some time after playing both games I realized the connection between Bhurak and Bendak... was someone on the KOTOR team a Wing Commander fan, and was Starkiller inspired by the Star Wars name?

-Let's not derail the topic, though. If I had any information, I'd post it...
Isn't the guy in The Force Unleashed also called Starkiller...?

Back to the topic...I think it's up to you what color you are going to use for the helmet - or you could take a look at the WC3 helmets and take that color scheme.
I've decided to draw Bhurak since he was one of my favourite named Kilrathi from the series, but it's sort of hard when my only reference is a black and white 8 cm picture. What sort of feline would you say he's most similar to? Did the nar Caxki (That's his clan, isn't it?) have a particular fur colour? And what colour would those older Kilrathi helmets be?

Cool idea! The Super Famicom port of Wing Commander has a full-color manual which shows the Kilrathi aces. I'm attaching a crummy iPhone photo of Bhurak -- I can get you a nicer scan on Monday when I'm back at work, if you're interested. Basically: his face is orange with a cream muzzle and yellow eyes and he's wearing a gold helmet.

Caxki is his clan. I don't think the particular clan were ever developed to the point of knowing their specific fur colors, but it would be solid or an ordered pattern (rather than mottled, like a commoner).

Knights of the Old Republic tributes this with a character named Bendak Starkiller. Some time after playing both games I realized the connection between Bhurak and Bendak... was someone on the KOTOR team a Wing Commander fan, and was Starkiller inspired by the Star Wars name?

I don't think there's any connection with Star Wars in Wing Commander's case. It is a common name in Star Wars because it was Luke's family name in the original script... and, for whatever reason, licensed stuff likes to refer to behind-the-scenes material in a completely unrelated matter (ie, there's no *reason* the fellow in Force Unleashed is named Starkiller... it's a shout-out for the sake of having a shout-out).

Isn't the guy in The Force Unleashed also called Starkiller...?

He seems to be -- but do they ever actually call him this in the game>? I can't remember it.


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Where's that big streak of yellow for running all the time? Just kidding ;)

Yes, I still haven't forgiven the furry bastard for taking out that Drayman and then running away at the first sign of trouble, he knew full well that a 100 year old Scimitar couldn't put up a decent chase.

Didn't matter in the end, I met him again, he tried to run away from my Rapier too :D
Cool idea! The Super Famicom port of Wing Commander has a full-color manual which shows the Kilrathi aces. I'm attaching a crummy iPhone photo of Bhurak -- I can get you a nicer scan on Monday when I'm back at work, if you're interested. Basically: his face is orange with a cream muzzle and yellow eyes and he's wearing a gold helmet.

Caxki is his clan. I don't think the particular clan were ever developed to the point of knowing their specific fur colors, but it would be solid or an ordered pattern (rather than mottled, like a commoner).

I don't think there's any connection with Star Wars in Wing Commander's case. It is a common name in Star Wars because it was Luke's family name in the original script... and, for whatever reason, licensed stuff likes to refer to behind-the-scenes material in a completely unrelated matter (ie, there's no *reason* the fellow in Force Unleashed is named Starkiller... it's a shout-out for the sake of having a shout-out).

He seems to be -- but do they ever actually call him this in the game>? I can't remember it.

Hey, thanks. That helps a lot. Gold helmet, huh? As if his custom helmet wasn't cool enough.
Cool idea! The Super Famicom port of Wing Commander has a full-color manual which shows the Kilrathi aces. (...)

I'd like very much to see the other coloured Kilrathi aces if it's not too much trouble!

(...) Gold helmet, huh? As if his custom helmet wasn't cool enough.

Though maybe gold helmet weren't that unusual at that time with the Kilrathi - after all, the movie Kilrathi did sport golden suits as well. Of course, the WC1 cutscenes show silver suits but still.
I'd like very much to see the other coloured Kilrathi aces if it's not too much trouble!

Not a problem! You'll have to do with more blurry iPhone photos for now, but I've got it in my head to scan the whole manual soon now... there's a lot of cool artwork here (and it'd be great if there were a Japanese-speaker out there willing to look for any original material... we already know the timeline has some extra events listed!).

Anyway, all four have similar coloration with different colors on their clothes.

Though maybe gold helmet weren't that unusual at that time with the Kilrathi - after all, the movie Kilrathi did sport golden suits as well. Of course, the WC1 cutscenes show silver suits but still.

Actually, it makes a lot of sense. I believe End Run mentions that gold armor indicates an ace pilot (one who has scored more than eight kills).


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I wouldn't have expected any of their furs to be orange (except maybe Bakhtosh). I would have thought Bhurak- light brown, Khajja- maybe grey, Dakhath- dark brown, and Bakhtosh- yellow or maybe a light orange.
Very cool, many thanks for the pictures! Always amazing what a bit of colour can do. Dakhath looks even more evil, Khajja looks like a battle-hardened veteran and Bakhtosh looks really royal (though probably because of the red cloak). To me at least.

Bhurak looks coolest, did already in black-and-white.

And cool to know about the golden helmets, I didn't remember that from the novels.

Edit: I have to admit, I mostly pictured the Kilrathi with that kind of colour. But not all.