Any "Wing Commander" Cosplayers?


Rear Admiral
The recent news about the partial WCP flight suit made me curious about one thing:

Is here anyone doing "Wing Commander"-based cosplaying, i.e. wearing WC-costumes like uniforms, flight suits, helmets etc. at conventions or other comic/sci-fi events?
I don't know about recently, but in past years some of the crew would go to Dragoncon in flightsuits.

I believe they were generic flight suits they ordered and then they sewed on the patches
I still have my flight suit hanging up. (I need a new TCS Eisen shirt though.)
Great flight suits! I found a picture of a Wing Commander pilot from the 2011 San Diego Con at

Here's the photographer's description
Wing Commander pilot
This was a fairly obscure costume. My initial guess was Kaneda from "Akira" until the person clarified.
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Great flight suits! I found a picture of a Wing Commander pilot from the 2011 San Diego Con at

Here's the photographer's description
Wing Commander pilot
This was a fairly obscure costume. My initial guess was Kaneda from "Akira" until the person clarified.
Nice find! It actually looks like he may have bought a real production flight suit. It's possible there were reproductions (though I've never heard of any) but it looks too spot on to be a home made job.
Yeah, I would agree. Looks very accurate, and a handful of the suits have been available, so I would guess that's an eBay find. Haven't ever seen anyone wear one to a convention, but I did once wear mine to Halloween.

I'd love to find one of the movie suits, always loved the helmet design too, more futuristic than the WC3,IV,Prophecy style.
Very impressive.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it is the first time someone's doing a full body Kilrathi Cosplay.
These two kinda look like the Kilrathi Pilots on the Comscreen in WC1, WC2 and Privateer, only without a helmet.
Oh wow, they're not just big cats... the guy has Kilrathi symbols on his jacket. That's great.