AMD Athlons Doze 2k and AGP Video Cards


I've been toying with new system components. In my travels I came across this. It MAY have been one of the problems I was experiencing with the "Shattered Glass" and font rendering, not to mention the game crashes when hitting Alt+Tab to go to other applications.

The link to the site is here:,,30_182_871,00.html

Download the link they give you at that site instead of opening it and it will give you a reg file to execute. What follows is a copy of the contents of that reg file.

The registry key change is as follows:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

Description of Issue
An issue has been identified that could result in the corruption of video data shared between AGP graphics adapters and AMD Athlon™ or AMD Duron™ family processors, including the AMD Athlon™ MP, mobile Athlon™ 4, and AMD Athlon™ XP processors, when running Microsoft Windows®2000 Professional, Windows®2000 Server, or Windows®2000 Advanced Server. This issue is independent of system chipset and has been observed when running Ziff-Davis 3D Winbench™ 2000 and Mad Onion 3DMark™ 2000 in benchmarking mode. Note: This patch is not needed for Windows XP.

AMD and Microsoft have worked together to identify a patch that involves adding a key to the registry. To add the key run the registry key installation file below or add the registry key as detailed in Microsoft KnowledgeBase article Q270715. AMD recommends that AMD Athlon™ and AMD Duron™ family processors, including AMD Athlon™ MP, mobile AMD Athlon™ 4, and AMD Athlon™ XP processor users with AGP graphics adapters running Microsoft Windows®2000 Professional, Windows®2000 Server, or Windows®2000 Advanced Server install this patch.

Patch Download Agreement

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

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